Call for GSAC Expressions of Interest

Form Type: Committee
Form For: Current Students


The College is calling for Expressions of Interest from current graduate students enrolled at UBC Okanagan who are interested in filling a vacancy on the Graduate Student Advisory Council (GSAC).

Further Information:

The College of Graduate Studies at UBC’s Okanagan campus values graduate student input on matters that pertain to and affect graduate student education and success on our campus. The College is calling for expressions of interest from graduate students who are interested in filling vacancies for specific student community representatives on the Graduate Student Advisory Council (GSAC). Student representatives can serve for a maximum of two years provided they remain as registered graduate students.


The Graduate Student Advisory Council (GSAC) is a committee formed by the College of Graduate Studies as a venue for discussion, advocacy, and information sharing between graduate student representatives and the Dean and Associate Dean of CoGS. GSAC is composed of graduate student representatives from each Faculty/program, the Graduate Student Senators, the UBCSUO Graduate Student Representative, Graduate Community Facilitators, and College of Graduate Studies staff members.

GSAC meets monthly to discuss matters pertaining to graduate education on the Okanagan campus. It is tasked with providing feedback to the College of Graduate Studies on key issues for graduate students including policies, procedures, funding, workshops, and events; to advocate for change and provide leadership on graduate student issues on campus, and to provide a forum for members to strategize with Graduate Student Senators.

DEADLINE: OCTOBER 5, 2023 at 11:59 pm

Expressions of interest are now closed.

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