College of Graduate Studies Policy Tracker
The College of Graduate Studies’ Graduate Council is responsible for the governance of and procedures followed by the College of Graduate Studies, and is responsible for making recommendations to Senate regarding graduate-level courses and programs. The purpose of this policy tracker is to track policy changes and other items motioned at Graduate Council & CoGS Program & Curriculum Committee meetings.
Meeting Date | Topic | Motion & Details | Approved |
2019/12/18 | Scholarships & Awards | That Graduate Council approve the changes to the Aboriginal Graduate Entrance Fellowship as presented. These changes reflect the name change from “Graduate Dean’s”. |
Yes |
2016/09/21 | Other | To include the Academic Accommodation Process calendar entry in the academic calendar |
Yes |
2021/11/17 | Admissions | To recommend to Senate the acceptance of additional English language tests/programs for admission to graduate studies. Added CAEL, Cambridge English Qualifications, CEL, Duolingo English (provisionally), MET, PTE, TOEFL Essentials (provisionally) |
Yes |
2020/12/16 | Admissions | CoGS will accept DuoLingo and CAEL for English profiency requirements as a temporary COVID measure. |
Yes |
2016/02/17 | Admissions | To include language on graduate admission appeals in the academic calendar. |
Yes |
2015/11/18 | Other | To include the residency statement, with revisions, in the student handbook and on the CoGS website. |
Yes |
2016/01/20 | Other | Approval of statement on Master’s Residency Requirements to be included in the Academic Calendar. |
Yes |
2013/11/20 | Other | Approval to have supervisory committee member signatures on progress report. |
Yes |
2019/05/16 | Admissions | Graduate Council approves applicants’ TOEFL MyBest scores as meeting the College of Graduate Studies English language test requirements. |
Yes |
2019/01/16 | Admissions | That Graduate Council accept the changes to English requirements in the Academic Calendar, to include the updated TOEFL paper-based scoring. |
Yes |
2017/03/15 | Policy and Thesis & Dissertation | Addition to the Handbook of Supervision and Examination: Supervisory committee members are expected to provide prompt comments on drafts of the thesis/dissertation. Normal turn-around time should not exceed three to six weeks. |
Yes |
2024/03/20 | Admissions | Update to graduate admissions student declaration to clarify language and to be in-line with the language used by the Vancouver campus and e:Vision. |
Yes |
2017/05/17 | Admissions | Starting September 1, 2017, programs may send out unofficial admission offers that are conditional upon receipt of funding. |
Yes |
2013/09/18 | Scholarships & Awards | Approve Aboriginal Graduate Fellowship proposal in principle. |
Yes |
2013/09/18 | Scholarships & Awards | Approve Graduate Dean’s Entrance Scholarship (GDES) proposal in principle. |
Yes |
2015/04/15 | Admissions and Policy | Approve the document Appeal of Admissions Decisions as Graduate Studies policy. |
Yes |
2013/09/18 | Scholarships & Awards | Approve University Graduate Fellowship (UGF) proposal in principle |
Yes |
2013/04/17 | Other | Approve the progress report for non-thesis based students with the addition of Master’s of Engineering (MEng). |
Yes |
2023/10/26 | Scholarships & Awards | CoGS Award Name Changes to Canadian Institute for Heal Research (CIHR) Graduate Awards, International Doctoral Fellowship (IDF), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Graduate Awards, and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Graduate Awards, to include “Okanagan”. Approval at Senate. |
Yes |
2016/04/20 | Scholarships & Awards | To change the degree level eligibility from PhD and Master’s to PhD and MFA for the Graduate Dean’s Thesis Fellowship (GDTF). |
Yes |
2013/11/20 | Other | The name of the College of Graduate Studies be changed to the College of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. Note that this motion was approved at Graduate Council but denied in higher meetings and the name was not changed. |
Yes |
2010/11/15 | Curriculum and Thesis & Dissertation | To change the order of defence/examination questions, such that the committee asks questions first and then the audience, if time permits. |
Yes |
2023/10/18 | Policy | Change in progress report policy (APR) to include that 1. APRs will no longer be required for one-year course-based programs, as well as for couse-based students in the MSN program within their first 16 months, 2. program coordinators will now have the ability to provide their own progress evaluations for students, and 3. program coordinators may now request that CoGS require interim progress reports for students at risk or struggling. |
Yes |
2023/10/18 | Scholarships & Awards | Motion to approve award changes and new award. Amend Indigenous Graduate Fellowship (IGF) to be a competitive, merit-based award and to approve new UBC Okanagan Indigenous Scholars Award (ISA) to replace the IGF as an award that supports all eligible Indigenous graduate students. |
Yes |
2022/01/19 | Admissions | Procedural change to address missing admission decisions. Process outlined for program reminders and final admission decisions. |
Yes |
2022/03/16 | Admissions and Policy | Change admission policy related to student’s entering PhD following one year in master’s program. Reduced number of credits required to better align with specific program requirements. |
Yes |
2021/11/17 | Admissions | Reduce minimum number of required references to two. Programs may require additional references. |
Yes |
2019/04/17 | Scholarships & Awards | That Graduate Council approve the award deadlines and faculty nominations as presented at the 04/17/2019 meeting of Graduate Council. Adjustments were made to application deadlines and quotas for faculties. |
Yes |
2019/04/17 | Thesis & Dissertation | That Graduate Council approve the changes to the definition of dissertation as presented at the 04/17/2019 meeting of Graduate Council to broaden the definition of what is considered a dissertation. |
Yes |
2022/01/19 | Thesis & Dissertation | Changes to defence policies – 1) addition of advisory committee member, 2) changes to permanently allow remote defences, 3) other editorial changes. |
Yes |
2022/11/16 | Admissions | Changes to English Language Requirements for Admission – Master’s and Doctoral, including CAEL changes in numbers and letters to be equivalent to others, and to include UBC’s English Foundations course as meeting language requirement if student receives at least 68%. |
Yes |
2021/10/20 | Scholarships & Awards | Graduate Dean’s Entrance Scholarship (GDES) language changes to remove the minimum award amount and other unnecessary language |
Yes |
2019/03/19 | Scholarships & Awards | To change the award description of the Graduate Dean’s Entrance Scholarship (GDES) to read: “Eligible students must have a GPA of first-class standing or other exceptional qualifications”. |
Yes |
2022/09/21 | Policy | To accept the changes to the PhD residency requirements to allow for an Engagement Requirement, which would provide an alternative to the requirement for residency for doctoral students. |
Yes |
2023/02/15 | Policy | Residency Requirements changed to include more affirmative language regarding the development of the plan for engagement to be in consulation with the student, removal of wording indicating that provision of a full funding package may not be possible, and the inclusion of links to applicable funding sources on the CoGS website. |
Yes |
2021/09/15 | Scholarships & Awards | To change the existing University Graduate Fellowship (UGF) language so that funding is given to students who demonstrate excellence in their programs and are registered in a full-time thesis-based program. Motion to forward proposed changes to the Senate Admissions & Awards Committee. |
Yes |
2013/11/20 | Thesis & Dissertation | Submit committee member thesis report with other defence documents. |
Yes |
2011/01/19 | Policy | Supervisory committees Thesis defence committees (Master’s) |
Yes |
2013/09/18 | Scholarships & Awards | Council members to submit suggested award names for Thesis Excellence Fellowship to Graduate Studies and then Graduate Studies to send out suggested names. |
Yes |
2010/11/15 | Curriculum, Policy, and Scholarships & Awards | That the Curriculum Committee expands its role to assume the responsibilities of the Graduate Studies Admissions and Awards Committee except for the adjudication of awards. |
Yes |
2024/03/20 | Scholarships & Awards | Revisions to 1.2 Graduate Studies Scholarship & Awards Committee Terms of Reference and Membership to include a separate awards process for postdoctoral award competitions. |
Yes |
2024/03/20 | Policy | Cosmetic changes to, and clarification of language of, Graduate policy 7.12 student transfers. Addition of language confirming that either the program coordinator or Dean’s designate may approve the form. |
Yes |
2023/06/21 | Policy | Addition to Policy Manual section 7.8 to add sentence clarifying that leave requests cannot exceed one year. |
Yes |
2023/06/21 | Policy | Revision to Policy Manual 8.1 definitions on Improvement Required and Unsatisfactory Progress. When a student has failed one course during the past year they will be rated “Improvement Required” rather than Unsatisfactory, but two failed courses will result in an “Unsatisfactory” standing. |
Yes |
2020/06/17 | Policy | Revision to Section 9.3 – Supervisory Committee of the Policy & Procedure Manual to add phrase “additionally require” and to clean up general language. |
Yes |
2023/03/15 | Policy | Revision to Section 9.4 of the CoGS Policy Manual that a Program Coordinator is expected to oversee graduate admissions and application reviews, including exceptional admissions, and should thus be tenured and have experience supervising students. |
Yes |
2014/09/17 | Thesis & Dissertation | The College of Graduate Studies Council adopts as policy A.2 Responsibilities of Supervisors from Part 1: Regulations for Supervision, Thesis and Thesis Examination of the Handbook of Supervision and Examination. |
Yes |
2014/09/17 | Thesis & Dissertation | The College of Graduate Studies Council adopts as policy C. Thesis Examinations from Part I: Regulations for Supervision, Thesis and Thesis Examination of the Handbook of Supervision and Examination. |
Yes |
2018/10/24 | Policy | That Graduate Council approve the revision of Policy O-4: Governance in the College of Graduate Studies, and recommend it move forward to the Senate Academic Policy Committee. The policy proposed that of the 18 non ex officio seat on Gradate Council, that the seats are assigned as follows: IKBSAS (8), FCCS (2), FHSD (3), MGMT (1), EDU (1), ENG (3). |
Yes |
2017/02/15 | Policy and Scholarships & Awards | Graduate Council delegates to the Dean of the College of Graduate Studies the authority invested in Senate Policy O-4 Section 5(b)(ii)(8) to approve the granting of College of Graduate Studies-administered scholarships and awards. |
Yes |
2018/10/24 | Policy | Graduate Council approval of minor language revision of the new Policy O-9: Graduate Student Supervision and Membership in the College of Graduate Studies, and recommendation to move forward to the Senate Academic Policy Committee. |
Yes |
2021/04/21 | Policy | Revise Policy O-9 to remove discriminatory language with regard to EL stream. |
Yes |
2021/06/16 | Policy | Revisions to Policy O-9 to reflect the qualification of EL stream faculty to supervise students without expectations to do so. Approval is on a case-by-case basis. |
Yes |
2023/01/18 | Policy | Updates to the Graduate Student Teaching policy with addition of what constitutes “teaching” (i.e. not TA positions), and updates to teaching caps and clarification around how teaching payment is not included in minimum funding. |
Yes |
2014/01/15 | Thesis & Dissertation | Thesis committee member page to be included at the beginning of the thesis/dissertation document. Implemented in September 2014. |
Yes |
2013/11/20 | Admissions | Approval to raise the English Language Requirements for international students to the undergraduate requirements. |
Yes |
2024/10/16 | Policy and Scholarships & Awards | Remove references to specific minimum funding amounts and language adjustments to policy. |
Yes |
2023/12/13 | Admissions and Scholarships & Awards | Guaranteed Minimum Funding will increase to $24,000 per year effective September 2024. |
Yes |
2022/11/16 | Policy and Thesis & Dissertation | Revision of Language defining Neutral Chairs in the Graduate Policy Manual. Policy amended to read: “The examination is chaired by a faculty member holding an ongoing, tenured or tenure-track appointment who is familiar with the examination policies and procedure of the College of Graduate studies. The Neutral Chair is not a member of the Examination Committee, does not question the student, and does not vote. |
Yes |
2023/11/15 | Scholarships & Awards | New Awards: UBC Okanagan Dissertation Award – 3 prizes of $1000 available annually and the UBC Okanagan Thesis Award – 3 prizes of $500 available annually in recognition of outstanding dissertations and thesis. |
Yes |
2018/09/19 | Scholarships & Awards | New British Columbia Graduate Scholarship, external award. |
Yes |
2018/09/19 | Scholarships & Awards | New Graduate Dean’s Aboriginal Entrance Fellowship. |
Yes |
2021/06/16 | Scholarships & Awards | Creation of the Indigenous Graduate Entrance Fellowship (IGF). |
Yes |
2017/11/15 | Scholarships & Awards | That Graduate Council accept the International Doctoral Fellowship as proposed. |
Yes |
2018/09/19 | Scholarships & Awards | New International Doctoral Partial Tuition Award (IDPT) proposed. |
Yes |
2022/04/20 | Scholarships & Awards | Creation of Okanagan Doctoral Fellowship effective 2022/2023. |
Yes |
2022/04/20 | Scholarships & Awards | Creation of Okanagan Graduate Research Scholarship (OGRS) and discontinuation of University Graduate Fellowship (UGF) & Graduate Dean’s Entrance Scholarship (GDES) effective 2022/2023. |
Yes |
2023/12/13 | Scholarships & Awards | New UBC Okanagan Clifford Alexander Robson and Else Loella Robson Memorial Scholarship. This is a new award designed to support students with specific accommodations for time to complete their program. The Disability Resource Centre in collaboration with CoGS will adjudication and administer the award each year. |
Yes |
2023/06/21 | Scholarships & Awards | New UBCO Graduate Dean’s Student Leadership award designed to recognize students who have made outstanding contributions to the graduate student experience at UBCO. |
Yes |
2020/05/20 | Thesis & Dissertation | Graduate Council approves opening the presentation portion of virtual defences to invited public. |
Yes |
2020/05/20 | Thesis & Dissertation | Graduate Council approves opening the Q&A portion of virtual defences to invited public. |
No |
2021/05/19 | Policy | Approve Parental Accommodation Policy that outlines parental leave expectations that parallels UBCV’s policy. Policy would provide for the option of a shorter 8-week leave that does not affect full-time student status. |
Yes |
2013/07/09 | Other | Allow Okanagan graduate degree conferrals more than twice a year. |
Yes |
2024/03/20 | Scholarships & Awards | Approval requested for the new Postdoctoral Awards and Fellowships Committee Terms of Reference and Membership for the new postdoctoral awards competition process. |
Yes |
2010/12/06 | Curriculum and Scholarships & Awards | Proposed structure for graduate scholarships:
Yes |
2011/01/19 | Policy and Scholarships & Awards | Proposed structure for graduate scholarships:
Yes |
2013/10/16 | Scholarships & Awards | Recommend award changes for approval by the Okanagan Senate Admissions and Awards Committee. New awards proposed are Aboriginal Graduate Fellowship and the Graduate Dean’s Thesis Excellence Fellowship. Also includes changes to the Graduate Dean’s Entrance Scholarship (GDES)(formerly Graduate Entrance Scholarship) and University Graduate Fellowship (UGF) award descriptions. |
Yes |
2016/04/20 | Scholarships & Awards | To change the award cycle for the Graduate Dean’s Thesis Fellowship from the current of three per year to two. |
Yes |
2019/05/16 | Admissions | MELAB test is removed from CoGS’ list of acceptable English language proficiency tests, as it is no longer being offered. |
Yes |
2012/08/02 | Scholarships & Awards | Remove PhD Tuition Award and International Partial Tuition Scholarship from Academic Calendar |
Yes |
2020/09/16 | Thesis & Dissertation | To return to standard policy to allow for guests to be present during the question and answer period of defences. |
Yes |
2014/09/17 | Thesis & Dissertation | In rare situations, the student has the right to request that an examination be scheduled without the consent of his/her supervisor. |
Yes |
2020/09/16 | Policy | Graduate Council approves the replacement of Senior Instructor and Instructor with Associate Professor of Teaching and Assistant Professor of Teaching, and revisions to the definition of “supervisory privileges”. |
Yes |
2023/06/21 | Scholarships & Awards | Revision of Scholarship and Awards Committee Terms of Reference and Membership to delete awards that no longer exist, creation of CIHR sub-committee, addition of scholarship processes that were previously handled by UBCV but which are now housed at UBCO. |
Yes |
2019/12/18 | Scholarships & Awards | That Graduate Council approve the changes to the Aboriginal Graduate Fellowship (AGF) as presented. AGF funding will move from the CoGS budget, to TReK funding. The original award description identified the specific funding source. |
Yes |
2017/09/20 | Policy | That Graduate Council approves the proposed Academic Calendar changes. Changes include introduction of a Graduate Student Vacation Policy, inclusion of graduate student grading practices, and clarification related to Awards & Scholarships, On-Leave Status, Duration of Program, and Staff as Graduate Students. |
Yes |
2018/10/24 | Admissions | Graduate Council approved the changes to the Academic Calendar entry for Transfer Credit which is a follow up to May 30, 2018 meeting. Amendments include specifying a maximum of 12 credits or 40% (whichever is higher) can be used from a certificate towards a Master’s. |
Yes |
2020/09/16 | Admissions | Revision to Admission Requirements to clarify language around students with international credentials to refer to students with international credentials, rather than students from international countries. |
Yes |
2015/09/16 | Admissions | Motion to accept the revisions to Appeal of Admissions Decisions. Changes include affirmation of fair process, and finality of admission decision for current round. |
Yes |
2020/12/16 | Scholarships & Awards | Due to COVID-19, students who have had their program impacted by the research curtailment and are therefore ineligible for [award] may be eligible under revised criterion which extends the months of study policy. |
Yes |
2016/10/19 | Other and Policy | Any student who fails the comprehensive examination twice will be withdrawn from the College of Graduate Studies. |
Yes |
2017/02/03 | Policy | Proposed revisions to College of Graduate Studies’ Curriculum Committee Terms of Reference, including changes to responsibilities and membership. |
Yes |
2010/12/06 | Curriculum, Policy, and Thesis & Dissertation | The thesis defence committee be composed of the supervisor, one or two other members from the supervisory committee, the university examiner and chair with the addendum that if a program wished to proposal an alternative to the procedures they must have the changes approved by their curriculum committee and the Graduate Studies Council. |
Yes |
2010/11/17 | Thesis & Dissertation | Proposed revisions to defence guidelines to change the order of questions such that the committee asks questions first and then the audience. |
Yes |
2010/11/17 | Policy and Thesis & Dissertation | Master’s theses and PhD dissertations are required to follow the structural and formatting requirements outlined by the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Vancouver Campus. NOTE: Under exceptional circumstances or if you are planning to produce a non-print thesis, you must consult early in the process to ensure that the format is acceptable. Such exceptions must be recommended by your program and approved by the College of Graduate Studies, Okanagan Campus. |
Yes |
2020/04/15 | Scholarships & Awards | Revise awards such that all CoGS entrance awards be open to all admission periods (September, May, January), to be consistent with changes made to the eligibility of the International Doctoral Fellowship (IDF) at the January 22 meeting of Graduate Council. |
Yes |
2021/04/21 | Policy and Thesis & Dissertation | Revised policy for Criteria for Selection of the External Examiner to include language stating the examiner should have experience supervising their own students or have substantial experience in graduate education, and that they should not be a close personal friend of the supervisor; not have collaborated with the supervisor in the five years prior to the oral exam; not be related to, nor have worked with, the candidate. |
Yes |
2016/10/19 | Admissions | To include the Graduate Application Declaration in the Admission Appeals language first approved by Graduate Council on February 17, 2016. |
Yes |
2021/01/19 | Scholarships & Awards | Remove first-class GPA requirement for the Graduate Dean’s Entrance Scholarship (GDES). |
Yes |
2016/10/19 | Scholarships & Awards | Remove the requirement for the submission of a “complete application” by the application deadline as criterion to receive a Graduate Dean’s Entrance Scholarship. |
Yes |
2021/06/16 | Scholarships & Awards | Approve revisions to Graduate Dean’s Thesis Fellowship (GDTF) to allow Faculties to distribute as they see fit, removal of CoGS competition |
Yes |
2018/09/19 | Scholarships & Awards | Revisions to the International Doctoral Fellowship (IDF) process to include a nomination process, rather than competition process. |
Yes |
2020/01/22 | Scholarships & Awards | That the International Doctoral Fellowship (IDF) be open to all admission periods (September, May, January). |
Yes |
2021/03/17 | Scholarships & Awards | Remove first-class requirement from International Doctoral Partial Tuition Award (IDPT) |
Yes |
2013/04/17 | Thesis & Dissertation | Accept the master’s defence policy & procedure changes in principle. Revisions include clarification on pass/fail options, and subsequent procedure for each. |
Yes |
2016/02/02 | Policy | Revisions to master’s residency requirements, such that master’s students are required to have some degree of physical presence on campus. |
Yes |
2018/01/17 | Thesis & Dissertation | That the Committee Member Report on the Thesis or Dissertation be made a mandatory part of the oral examination process for all oral examinations of theses or dissertations. |
No |
2016/02/02 | Policy | Revisions to PhD residency requirements such that students are expected to have some degree of physical presence on campus. |
Yes |
2015/10/21 | Other | Accept the revised calendar language to PhD residency requirements, adding a notation on the progress reports. |
Yes |
2010/12/06 | Curriculum, Policy, and Thesis & Dissertation | Revisions to Previous Change in Order of Defence/Examination Questions, that the original proposal go back to Council with the addendum that if a program wished to propose an alternative to the procedures they must have the changes approved by their curriculum committee and the Graduate Studies Council. |
Yes |
2017/02/15 | Curriculum and Program | To accept the new Program and Curriculum Committee Terms of Reference as submitted. Additions include outline of conduct of committee, more details on membership. |
Yes |
2020/05/20 | Curriculum and Program | Revisions to Program and Curriculum Committee Terms of Reference to reflect IKBSAS split. |
Yes |
2018/04/18 | Admissions and Policy | Changes to the Readmission policy to read: “PhD Students who were previously admitted to candidacy may, [upon approval of the relevant graduate program], be readmitted and continue with their ‘all but dissertation’ status provided that candidacy was achieved no longer than five years from the date of readmission”. |
Yes |
2019/12/18 | Scholarships & Awards | That Graduate Council approve the changes to the Scholarship and Awards Committee Terms of Reference as presented(changes to the award names to CGS-D and CGS-M, as well as additions to reflect the current processes). |
Yes |
2017/09/20 | Scholarships & Awards | That Graduate Council approve the proposed new Terms of Reference for the CoGS Scholarship and Awards Committee to reduce membership from 20 to 12, and to use Tri-Agency scoring method. |
Yes |
2013/07/09 | Scholarships & Awards | Approve revised Scholarship and Awards Committee Terms of Reference, including removal of one-step adjudication process and clarification that the term of membership is two years. |
Yes |
2020/05/20 | Scholarships & Awards | Revisions to Scholarship and Awards Committee Terms of Reference to reflect IKBSAS split. |
Yes |
2018/11/21 | Scholarships & Awards | That Graduate Council approve all revisions to the Scholarship and Awards Committee Terms of Reference which included adding an additional SSHRC member to the committee, small changes in language, and a change in responsibility for committee nomination from director to Dean. |
Yes |
2010/11/17 | Policy | That the Curriculum Committee expands its role to assume the responsibilities of the Graduate Studies Admissions and Awards Committee except for the adjudication of awards. |
Yes |
2017/05/17 | Thesis & Dissertation | To add a requirement for all theses and dissertations to include a lay or public abstract in the preliminary pages of the document. |
No |
2019/10/16 | Thesis & Dissertation | That Grad Council approve the proposed revisions to the Master’s Thesis and Doctoral Exam outcomes. For Master’s and Doctoral Exams: No Revisions, three working days; Minor Revisions, two weeks. |
Yes |
2019/12/18 | Thesis & Dissertation | That thesis defences be supportive of preferably one, no more than two, members engaged through video-conference technology. Neither one of these individuals will be the neutral chair or the supervisor. |
Yes |
2010/11/15 | Curriculum and Thesis & Dissertation | Revisions to Thesis and Dissertation formatting guidelines to be more in-line with UBC Vancouver, with added option of alternate format process. |
Yes |
2019/01/16 | Scholarships & Awards | That Graduate Council approved the new process for program ranking of Tri-Agency applicants that is in-line with CoGS scoring process. |
Yes |
2017/09/20 | Scholarships & Awards | That graduate programs no longer adjudicate Tri-Agency graduate applications. |
No |
2017/09/20 | Scholarships & Awards | That graduate programs will rank order of their Tri-Agency applications and provide brief qualitative comments to support their rankings. |
Yes |
2016/10/19 | Scholarships & Awards | Remove the annual application process for University Graduate Fellowship (UGF) nominations and replace it with completion of an annual progress report ranked satisfactory and submitted by May 31st each year. |
Yes |
2018/09/19 | Scholarships & Awards | Revisions to the University Graduate Fellowship (UGF) including a deadline change from June 15 to June 1, and removal of GPA requirement. |
Yes |
2013/04/17 | Thesis & Dissertation | All academic members of a supervisory committee must be invited to serve on the master’s student’s defence committee |
Yes |
2023/12/13 | Thesis & Dissertation | Thesis and Dissertation Embargo Policy updated to reflect the requirement of a substantive rationale, renewed every 12 months. |
Yes |
2018/04/18 | Thesis & Dissertation | Effective immediately, the minimum length of an embargo request is 12 months. The maximum time allowed for a thesis/dissertation to be embargoed is 24 months. |
Yes |
2017/09/20 | Admissions | Starting January 1, 2018, programs may send out unofficial admission offers that are conditional upon receipt of funding. |
Yes |
2019/10/16 | Scholarships & Awards | That Grad Council recommend to Senate proposed revisions to the Graduate Awards Section of the Academic Calendar. Remove listing of multiple awards in Calendar. Remove restrictions on hours of work to align with UBC Vancouver and Tri-Agency. |
Yes |
2021/02/17 | Policy and Thesis & Dissertation | Update comprehensive exam policy to specify program responsibility to outline program guidelines on the use of the Center of Scholarly Communication, and to make clear that “the comprehensive examination process for students registered with the Disability Resource Center (DRC) will respect their specific accommodations”. |
Yes |
2021/06/16 | Scholarships & Awards | Updates to Scholarship & Awards Committee Terms of Reference to include postdoctoral awards |
Yes |
2013/11/20 | Thesis & Dissertation | Withdraw the motion to submit committee member thesis report with other defence documents. |
No |
2021/01/19 | Policy | Revisions to committee composition guidelines to clarify that that at least two members of the committee must be faculty members on the UBC Okanagan campus. |
Yes |
2017/09/20 | Thesis & Dissertation | To add a requirement for all theses and dissertations to include a lay or public summary in the preliminary pages of the document. |
Yes |
2017/09/20 | Thesis & Dissertation | That the Committee Member Report on the Thesis or Dissertation be made a mandatory part of the oral examination process for all oral examinations of theses or dissertations. |
No |
2024/12/11 | Policy and Program | Motion: Change the maximum duration of master’s programs for full-time students from 5 to 4 years. The normal time to completion of course-based master’s degrees is 12 to 24 |
Yes |
2025/02/26 | Admissions | Motion: To recommend to Senate the acceptance of the Duolingo English Test for admission to graduate studies on an ongoing basis. To recommend to Senate that TOEFL Essentials be removed as an accepted English test for admission to graduate studies. Rationale: Following a three-year pilot and the success of the students admitted, the Duolingo English Test will now be accepted for graduate admissions to UBC Okanagan on an ongoing basis. Based on low submission of test scores to date, TOEFL Essentials as will no longer be accepted for graduate admission at UBC Okanagan and thus will be removed from the Calendar. |
Yes |
2024/12/11 | Policy and Scholarships & Awards | Motion: Raise the PhD minimum guaranteed funding to $25,000 effective September 1, 2025. |
Yes |
2025/02/26 | Policy and Thesis & Dissertation | Motion: To explicitly state that it is not allowed for an examiner to upload theses, dissertations, and comprehensive papers to generative AI sites for evaluation. Rationale: Uploading text to generative AI sites allows for that text to be incorporated into large language models, effectively releasing it to the public. This policy will cover both internal and external examiners. |
Yes |
2025/02/26 | Policy | To require that when a student’s comprehensive exam includes an oral examination, the program must appoint a Neutral Chair to chair the oral. |
Yes |
2025/02/26 | Admissions | Motion: To pilot a program to simplify the admissions process for students who attended institutions that are yellow-listed (or “Not Yet Determined”) in the International Student Evaluation Manual / Institutional Database. Effective date: May 2026 admissions Process for Yellow-listed/Not Yet Determined Institutions:
Yes |
2025/02/26 | Policy | To recommend to the Board that the rate for extension fees for domestic students be reduced to the same value as the continuing fees for all graduate programs. |
Yes |
2024/11/20 | Admissions and Policy | Motion: Remove the “Qualifying” student classification from the current Okanagan Calendar student classification list. The Qualifying Year student status for master’s and doctoral students has not |
Yes |
2024/12/11 | Admissions | Motion: Revise the graduate admissions student declaration. The requested additions to the UBC Graduate Admissions Student Declaration are to Revisions include clarifying language around applicants’ declaration that the ideas An additional item is also required by Treasury related to economic sanctions as UBC is |
Yes |
2024/12/11 | Policy | Motion: Revise the Western Deans’ Agreement Calendar Entry and Policy Manual. The current description in the Academic Calendar for the Western Dean’s |
Yes |
2022/05/18 | Scholarships & Awards | Changes to Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) Graduate Entrance Awards to reflect structure of Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies (IGS) which is organized around themes (not departments) and to make international students, as well as domestic students, eligible for the award. |
Yes |
2022/09/26 | Curriculum | Approval of new course PSYO 501: Inclusivity Equity, and Diversity in Research Design and Formulation. |
Yes |
2022/11/16 | Scholarships & Awards | Proposal of new Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) Syilx-Okanagan Graduate Teaching Fellowship. |
Yes |
2023/10/26 | Scholarships & Awards | Proposal of new Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies Graduate Field Research Award. |
Yes |
2021/11/26 | Curriculum | Update to the calendar description for the Clinical Psychology PhD program: eliminating the general research comprehensive examination requirement and modifying the clinical comprehensive to assess elements central to research in Clinical Psychology. |
Yes |
2022/12/08 | Curriculum | Update calendar description to PSYC 510 and 511 to remove the word “basic”. |
Yes |
2024/05/02 | Curriculum, Policy, Program, and Thesis & Dissertation | – Removal of one course requirement for the 3 MFA degrees (CCS 507) |
Yes |
2024/11/28 | Curriculum and Program | New required core course ENGL 502 (3/6) for MA English program, offered annually in different iterations and revised description of the MA English program. |
Yes |
2013/04/17 | Curriculum | Approve the CRWR 580 curriculum proposal. |
No |
2015/01/21 | Thesis & Dissertation | Approve the Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies (FCCS) proposal for Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies (IGS) Masters’ Theses to be written and defended in French; including the friendly amendments. |
Yes |
2018/01/05 | Curriculum and Program | Changes to the MA English program were proposed. Students will now be required to take 3 credits of methods (ENGL 501) and 12/15 credits (Thesis/Coursework) of Topics courses (ENGL 52X) plus other requirements. The description of English 501 is being simplified to remove language that previously served to distinguish it from English 502. Revisions include a program change, a course deletion (ENGL 502), and a course description change. |
Yes |
2019/11/01 | Curriculum | Proposed new courses ENGL 531, 532, 533. The committee discussed the rationale behind offering a repeatable course designed with variable content, rather than as a Special Topics course. The Committee recommended that the proposal should clearly identify the rationale behind the course structures to avoid further confusion. |
Yes |
2020/12/03 | Curriculum and Program | Removal of CRWR 580 and addition of two new courses, CRWR 581 and CRWR 582, and subsequent revision of program requirements the Masters in Fine Arts (MFA) Creative Writing to include new courses. |
Yes |
2020/01/22 | Scholarships & Awards | That Graduate Council support the new Senate-approved FCCS Graduate Fellowship. |
Yes |
2012/03/07 | Program | Proposed theme options for IGS MFA in Creative Writing, Media Arts, Performance, and Visual Arts |
Yes |
2020/12/03 | Curriculum and Program | Addition of three courses to support developing curation option for the MFA in Interdisciplinary Studies and subsequent revision of MFA program description to include new courses. Courses include CCS 510: Curation as Creative Practice, CCS 511: Digital Media for Interpretive Centres, and CCS 512: Politics of Exhibition and Representation. |
Yes |
2022/12/08 | Curriculum | Revisions to the CCS 506 and CCS 507 graduate colloquium course descriptions to reflect new specialization option in MFA interdisciplinary Studies. |
Yes |
2018/11/02 | Curriculum | Revisions to ENGL 521, 522, 523, 524, 525. This change is designed to enable graduate students to take a topics course more than once in cases where the course is offered with different content. Courses will be distinguished with a letter designation. |
Yes |
2018/11/02 | Program | Revisions to English Master of Arts Program Overview description to ensure that the Overview now matches the Requirements stated in the calendar. Removal of quite specific information regarding a proposal deadline that is better located in a student handbook and on the website, where this information can be accompanied with appropriate context, rather than in the calendar. |
Yes |
2019/11/01 | Program | New concentration in literary studies and the concept of place within the MA English degree, proposed edits to academic calendar to make two pathways clear (Literature and Place Theme and Individualized Theme) including new courses approved separately. |
Yes |
2010/11/15 | Admissions and Program | Revisions to MA English admission requirements to provide clarity. |
Yes |
2022/09/26 | Program | Approval of new course IGS/CORH 5XX: Advanced Studies in Scholarly Communication. |
Yes |
2023/01/26 | Curriculum | Approval of EDU 540: Navigating Educational Controversy: Values, Policy and Ethics. Not recommended due to imbalances in assessment and evaluation criteria, and missing consultation. |
No |
2024/02/29 | Curriculum | Restrict elective Social Work courses to Advanced track students, or students in their second year of the Foundational program. |
Yes |
2011/06/08 | Curriculum | Proposed revisions to calendar entry and degree requirements for MSW program, to read “Students may also take one approved course at the 400 level”. |
Yes |
2016/04/04 | Curriculum | Changes to prerequisites for elective courses: SOCW 520, SOCW 521, SOCW 522, and SOCW 531. |
Yes |
2014/09/05 | Program | Changes were proposed for the Master of Sciences in Nursing program, including decreasing the number of credits required for the program, and creating a research-based stream and course-based stream. |
Yes |
2020/02/21 | Curriculum | Proposed removal of HMKN 501: Research Seminar in Health and Exercise Sciences and updates to calendar accordingly. |
Yes |
2018/02/02 | Curriculum | Discontinuation of Courses: SOCW 500, 501, 502, 503, 506, 507, 509, 510, and 545. The School of Social Work (SWW) is seeking approval for discontinuation of courses that, as of 2018W, will not have been taught for four years due to changes to degree requirements in 2015. |
Yes |
2011/04/01 | Program | Approve the Proposed Calendar Entry, Degree Requirements for Proposed MSW Curriculum. |
Yes |
2018/02/02 | Curriculum | Proposed new course HMKN 505: Quantitative Analyses: Decision Making Using Data in Health and Exercise Science. |
Yes |
2023/02/03 | Curriculum | Approval of NRSG 503, a new required course for course-based Master’s of Science in Nursing (MSN) students and updates to the academic calendar outlining the new required course. |
Yes |
2021/01/14 | Curriculum | Approval of new course NRSG 424/524: Primary Care Nursing. |
Yes |
2019/11/01 | Curriculum | Proposed new course NRSG 538: Advanced Community Health Nursing. |
Yes |
2018/01/05 | Curriculum | New Courses HMKN 502, 505, 511, 512, 515. These courses have been offered in previous years as Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies (IGS) courses, for the students within the Master of Science in Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies, Health & Exercise Sciences stream. As the majority of these students have now transferred into the newly approved Master of Science in Health & Exercise Sciences program, and applications are no longer being accepted into the MSc, IGS (HES) program as of September 2017, these courses are being formalized into HMKN courses that can be put toward the new MSc, HES program curriculum. |
No |
2017/03/03 | Curriculum | Proposed new courses SOCW 515, 516, 517. |
Yes |
2019/12/09 | Curriculum and Program | Proposed new Courses SOCW 555 and SOCW 525 to replace two core courses (SOCW 516 and SOCW 552), and updates to the academic calendar accordingly. Also replaced “Director of the School of Social Work” with “Program Coordinator of the School of Social Work” in the calendar. |
Yes |
2018/02/02 | Curriculum | The School of Social Work proposes to formalize five Special Topics courses: |
Yes |
2021/09/08 | Curriculum and Program | New HES Course Code, Removal of HMKN 501. To make changes to Program Requirements to reflect new “HES” course code, approved be Senate for 2021W; also included information to clear up points of confusion for students and supervisors. Conducted full review of program, will rename most of their courses and clean up courses that are no-longer a part of the program. |
Yes |
2018/04/06 | Admissions and Program | Proposed new Doctor of Philosophy in Kinesiology, and associated program requirements and admission requirements. |
Yes |
2025/01/09 | Program | New Indigenous Health and Wellbeing pathway (both course-based and thesis-based streams) in MSN program. |
Yes |
2014/05/26 | Program | Proposed new MA, MSc, and PhD in Health and Exercise Sciences, including addition of new HMKN 510, 513, 521, 527, 529 531, 532, 533, 545 courses. |
Yes |
2023/10/26 | Scholarships & Awards | Proposal of new Faculty of Health and Social Development Master of Science in Nursing Partial Tuition Award. |
Yes |
2019/02/01 | Program | Proposed new Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing program. |
Yes |
2018/12/07 | Curriculum | Proposed new courses NRSG 554: Advanced Research Methods, NRSG 580: Philosophy of Evidence in Nursing, NRSG 581: Leadership in Knowledge Application and Translation. |
Yes |
2012/03/07 | Program | Proposed two versions of new MSW program: one-year advanced program, and two-year foundational program. |
Yes |
2017/04/07 | Admissions and Program | Re-submission of previously passed proposal. Revisions to admission requirements for the Master of Social Work (MSW) – Foundational program. Revisions include changes to prerequisite degree requirements, minimum grade averages, minimum language proficiency and applicable tests, statement of purpose requirements, criminal record check requirements, and CV/Resume requirements. |
Yes |
2019/11/01 | Curriculum and Program | The School of Social Work is requesting to replace all SOCW course pre-requisities and co-requisites with simple restriction statements. The current UBCO system is unable to distinguish the various tracks within the MSW program (Foundational Year One, Foundational Year Two, and Advanced). Consequently, current pre and co-requisite statements are unnecessary and confusing for students. |
Yes |
2018/02/02 | Admissions | The School of Social Work is proposing to revise its admission requirements in order to allow a more diverse student population to apply to the M.S.W. Foundational Two-Year track. Additionally, more specificity in regards to acceptable prerequisite degrees for the Advanced One-Year M.S.W. is incorporated. |
Yes |
2018/01/05 | Curriculum | The MA, HES program proposal was not approved at the Ministry of Education, and has been removed from the Academic Calendar. The title of HMKN 549 Thesis course is being revised to reflect the change in program offerings. |
No |
2015/03/20 | Curriculum and Program | Revisions to MSW curriculum to replace SOCW 509, 510, 545, 555, and 506 with SOCW 511, 512, 513, 518, and 519 respectively. Creation of SOCW 514. Combine SOCW 500 and 501 into SOCW 551, 502 and 503 into SOCW 552, combine HINT 501 and SOCW 507 into SOCW 553. Replace SOCW 504 with SOCW 554 and SOCW 505 with SOCW 559. Adjust calendar and degree requirements accordingly. |
Yes |
2018/02/02 | Curriculum | Revise course title for HMKN 549 from “M.A./M.Sc. Thesis” to “M.Sc. Thesis”. |
Yes |
2017/03/03 | Admissions and Program | Revisions to the admission requirements for the Master of Social Work (MSW) – Advanced option, including revisions to the prerequisite degree requirements, minimum grade averages, language scores, statement of purpose requirement, and criminal record check. |
Yes |
2019/11/01 | Program | The Master of Social Work – Advanced One-Year Track is removing the admission requirement of ‘post-degree social work experience’, such that the program can admit strong applicants with professional experience gained during their BSW right from their BSW into the One-Year MSW Advanced Track. |
Yes |
2017/04/07 | Admissions and Program | Revise admission requirements for the Master of Social Work (MSW) – Foundational program. Revisions include changes to prerequisite degree requirements, minimum grade averages, minimum language proficiency and applicable tests, statement of purpose requirements, criminal record check requirements, and CV/Resume requirements. |
Yes |
2019/11/01 | Curriculum | Updates to NRSG 500 calendar description, learning outcomes, and course content to provide a more holistic view of how nursing philosophies, theories, and knowledge come together, and to better prepare students for a PhD in nursing. |
Yes |
2022/09/26 | Curriculum | Revisions to NRSG 601 to be a Pass/Fail course, as there are no assignments or exams. |
Yes |
2017/03/03 | Admissions, Curriculum, and Program | Revisions to the prerequisite requirement for NRSG 599, to require admission to the M.S.N program or permission from the M.S.N. coordinator. Revision to admission requirement to include “or approval of the School of Nursing Graduate Coordinator” in reference to the statistic course requirement. |
Yes |
2016/12/02 | Curriculum | Revisions to prerequisites for NRSG 507: Quantitive Research to create more options for required statistics course. |
Yes |
2018/04/06 | Policy | Revisions and additions to the Academic Calendar, to include School of Social Work policies and procedures currently outlined in the Academic Regulations, Program Regulations, and student manuals, such that the School of Social Work’s ability to enforce these policies is strengthened. Policy around course failure, field education, and professional conduct standards. |
Yes |
2021/01/14 | Curriculum | Revision to course titles and descriptions: SOCW 511, SOCW 521, SOCW 522, and SOCW 554. |
Yes |
2019/11/01 | Curriculum | Minor description changes to SOCW 541 and 553 to better describe course content. |
Yes |
2022/01/06 | Curriculum | Revisions to SOCW 555 to remove prerequisites that are no longer used by the MSW program. Proposed change to replace prerequisites with language used elsewhere: “Restricted to students in the MSW Program”. |
Yes |
2018/02/02 | Curriculum | Removal of prerequisites across many SOCW courses as students in the M.S.W. Foundational Two-Year track degree will be required to take a prescribed set of courses in the first year of the program, which do not pedagogically require a specific order. Courses offered in the second year of the program build upon the knowledge of Year 1, but do not build upon each other. Thus, prerequisites are not necessary from a pedagogical perspective. |
Yes |
2018/02/02 | Program | The School of Social Work proposes to update degree requirements to reflect program and curricular changes and to provide clarity for prospective and current students regarding requirements for the M.S.W. Advanced One-Year track and M.S.W. Foundational Two-Year track degrees. |
Yes |
2021/09/08 | Curriculum | Revisions to NRSG 543. Changes to explicitly state in the academic calendar that the practicum is a substantial requirement of the program. |
Yes |
2022/10/20 | Curriculum | Updates to a portion of the academic calendar to make clear that NRSG 502 is required for all Master of Science in Nursing students, not only research-based nursing students. |
Yes |
2016/12/02 | Admissions and Program | Modification of the GMAT/GRE admission requirement for the Master of Management to allow for reasonable flexibility if applicants are unable to complete this requirement. Additional change to English language proficiency requirements to provide greater clarity and consistency with CoGS requirements. |
Yes |
2020/03/06 | Program | Proposed new UBC Bachelor + Master of Management dual degree, where students entering the program could earn their undergraduate and graduate degrees in an accelerated time frame. |
Yes |
2019/10/15 | Curriculum | Two calendar description wording changes proposed for Master of Management courses MGMT 534 (Regional Development and Globalization) and MGMT 538 (Communicating). For MGMT 534: proposal is to remove ‘introductory management topics’ to eliminate redundancy. For MGMT 538: proposal is to add ‘management-based’ to the description to improve specificity. |
Yes |
2014/02/28 | Program | Revisions to the Master of Management program |
Yes |
2021/09/08 | Curriculum | Changing the BIOL 520 range of credits from 3-9 to 1-9. |
Yes |
2024/01/04 | Curriculum | Faculty of Science – New 500-level Chemistry courses (formerly offered as Special Topics courses) – CHEM 519, CHEM 529, CHEM 474/574, CHEM 477/577, CHEM 481/581, CHEM 482/582, CHEM 484/584, CHEM 485/585, CHEM 591, CHEM 592. |
Yes |
2023/02/23 | Curriculum | New Course ASTR 501: Astrophysical Processes. Not recommended as it is unclear how graduate course differs from undergraduate offering. |
No |
2023/03/23 | Curriculum | Re-submission of proposed new course ASTR 501. New description addressed original concerns. |
Yes |
2023/02/23 | Curriculum | New course ASTR 511: Radio Astronomy. |
Yes |
2022/09/26 | Curriculum | EESC 550 will be renamed to avoid confusion with the required Graduate Seminar; introduction of a new 1-credit graduate seminar, EESC560; Increase the credit value of the thesis to keep the program at 30 credits. |
Yes |
2023/02/23 | Curriculum | Adding proposed new Math courses: MATH 527, MATH 528, MATH 564, MATH 565. |
Yes |
2024/02/01 | Curriculum and Program | New Master of Biotechnology program including the following new courses: |
Yes |
2023/02/23 | Curriculum | Request to fix existing typos and to update the maximum credits permitted for several courses (CHEM 507, 521, 535, 568) from 3 to 3-9. |
Yes |
2021/09/08 | Program | The mathematical foundations of computing systems option was introduced to help Computer Science (COSC) professors before the development of a COSC graduate program. COSC now has MSc and PhD programs, so students interested in foundations of computing systems are directed to those programs. As such, this option no longer exists in the MATH graduate program. |
Yes |
2024/01/04 | Program | Faculty of Science – New program: Master of Biotechnology. |
No |
2013/04/17 | Curriculum | Approve the BIOL 444/BIOL 544/EESC 444/ENVI 544 curriculum proposal. |
Yes |
2019/01/16 | Scholarships & Awards | That Graduate Council recommend the IKBSAS Graduate Entrance Award to Senate. |
Yes |
2019/02/12 | Scholarships & Awards | That Graduate Council recommend to Senate the Master’s of Data Science (MDS) International Scholarship and Master’s of Data Science (MDS) Domestic Scholarship. |
Yes |
2014/03/11 | Curriculum | Addition of 15-credit MFA-only version of the IGS Master’s thesis course: IGS 599, which was incorrectly removed from IGS MFA program when the MFA “stand-alone” degree program was created. |
Yes |
2023/02/23 | Curriculum | Approval of New Course IGS 596: Voice, Justice, & Change (re-submission) with revised description. |
Yes |
2021/01/14 | Curriculum | Change name of IGS 583 to “Urban and Regional Studies” to reflect theme name change. |
Yes |
2021/01/14 | Program | The proposed changes to the coursework requirements section for the Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Studies are intended to clarify the requirements and bring them in-line with the theme coordinator and theme committee’s intentions. |
Yes |
2025/01/09 | Program | Update of the Power, Conflict and Ideas IGS theme requirements: Move 3 credits to “additional coursework” and require 9 credits (instead of 12) from the PCI list of courses. |
Yes |
2012/12/12 | Program | Accept Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies (IGS) changes to program requirements, including changes to Individualized program credits, and revision of offered courses. |
Yes |
2021/01/14 | Program | The proposed changes to the coursework requirements section for the PhD. in Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies (IGS) Urban, Rural and Regional Dynamics (URRD) Theme are intended to clarify the requirements and bring them in-line with the theme coordinator and theme committee’s intentions. The theme name will also be updated to “Urban and Regional Studies” to better reflect the work being done in the theme, assist marketing efforts, and align the theme name with the name of a reputable journal on the subject. |
Yes |
2012/12/12 | Curriculum | Approve Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies Course Changes. Changes include removal of IGS 507, IGS 519, IGS 562, IGS 563, IGS 564, IGS 565, IGS 566, IGS 567, IGS 568 and the addition of IGS 541, IGS 542, IGS 543, and IGS 544. |
Yes |
2017/05/17 | Program | That Graduate Council accept the proposal for curricular and governance revisions to the Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies (IGS) Program and recommend to Faculties for formal review prior to Senate. Revisions include amendments to quorum for meeting of any theme committee, editing of calendar language for grammar, changes to supervisor numbers. |
Yes |
2013/11/20 | Program | Dissolve the Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies (IGS) Program Committee. |
Yes |
2022/12/08 | Curriculum | Approval of new Course IGS 582. |
Yes |
2023/01/26 | Curriculum | Approval of new course IGS 593: Decolonizing the “Global”: Contemporary Ethnography and Postcolonial Theory. |
Yes |
2023/01/26 | Curriculum | Approval of new course IGS 596: Voice, Justice & Change. Not approved due to course overlapping with IGS 550D. |
No |
2010/11/15 | Curriculum | Proposed new Course IGS 630 Teaching Practicum |
Yes |
2011/04/04 | Curriculum | Proposed new courses IGS 507: Perspectives on Sustainability and IGS 570: Practical Sustainability |
Yes |
2022/12/08 | Program | New Indigenous Knowledges Theme. |
Yes |
2012/03/07 | Program | Proposal of new Interdiscplinary Graduate Studies (IGS) Urban Studies theme. |
Yes |
2011/03/10 | Curriculum and Program | Revise requirements for individualized IGS students such that they are required to take at least 3 credits of course work that fall outside of their supervisor’s cognate area. |
Yes |
2020/03/06 | Curriculum and Program | Revise IGS Sustainability Theme to Reflect Course Renumbering of ANTH 307 (from ANTH 407). |
Yes |
2019/12/09 | Curriculum | Revision to IGS 524 to change to pass/fail course. |
Yes |
2018/03/29 | Program | Revisions to Community Engagement, Social Change, and Equity (CESCE) theme, including revision to theme credit requirements and executive summary. |
Yes |
2019/02/01 | Curriculum | The credit value was incorrectly stated in the CESCE Theme Requirements. The credit value for IGS 586 can range between 3 – 6 credits, so students do not necessarily require taking the 6 credit maximum allowed for IGS 586. |
Yes |
2023/01/26 | Curriculum | Approval of revisions to CESCE theme, making IGS 596 (a new, proposed course) mandatory. Not recommended as course was not approved. |
No |
2019/03/01 | Curriculum | These changes reflect the relabeling of some courses as GISC (Geospatial Information Science) rather than GEOG, in concert with the new Minor in GIS. This clarifies the requirements in upper level to accommodate the relabeling of EESC/GEOG 380 and 381 to GISC. |
Yes |
2018/03/29 | Program | Revisions to the Digital Arts and Humanities theme, including revisions to theme requirements for the MA and PhD, and revisions to the executive summary. |
Yes |
2018/03/29 | Program | Revisions to Global Studies theme including revisions to methods course requirement, credit requirements, and changes to the executive summary. |
Yes |
2012/03/07 | Curriculum and Program | Proposed modifications to the requirements for the Master in IGS to permit more lab-based and fieldwork-based thesis work by shifting six credits of course work to the thesis requirement, while still allowing the traditional option, and removing the 6 credit option which is not used by any IGS Master’s program. |
Yes |
2016/04/12 | Admissions and Program | Revisions to IGS calendar description of program overview, admission requirements, and program requirements for accuracy. |
Yes |
2012/12/12 | Program | Approval of revisions to Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies (IGS) Governance Document, which clarifies membership and reporting structure. |
Yes |
2018/03/29 | Program | Revisions to Power, Conflict, and Idea theme, including revisions to credit requirements and executive summary. |
Yes |
2018/03/29 | Curriculum and Program | Revisions to IGS Sustainability theme, including revisions to credit requirement, theme overview, and executive summary. Addition of new course IGS 585: Knowledge Mobilization and Sustainability Policy. |
Yes |
2018/03/29 | Program | Revisions to Urban, Rural, and Regional Dynamics, including revisions to credit requirements, theme overview, and executive summary. |
Yes |
2023/11/15 | Thesis & Dissertation | Language update for section 8.8 and 8.9 of Policy Manual to include: “The University Examiner normally must: have a Board appointment outside both the supervisor’s department and the graduate program but within the professional ranks (for examiners from UBC). In the case of the IGS program, the University Examiner may come from the same theme but not the same department as the supervisor.” |
Yes |
2023/02/23 | Curriculum | Revisions to CESCE theme to require proposed IGS 596 as a mandatory course for the theme (Re-Submission). |
Yes |
2025/01/30 | Curriculum | a. Restrict access to PSYO 501, 506, 508, 510, 511, 521 to graduate Psychology students only. |
Yes |
2025/01/30 | Curriculum and Program | a. New required course: PSYO 520 for Clinical Psychology program |
Yes |
2025/01/30 | Curriculum and Program | – Update to program requirements to include capstone courses in the Master of Biotechnology |
Yes |
2014/02/28 | Program | Proposed change in title of the stream for MA and PhD Psychology, from “Experimental” to “Psychological Science”. |
Yes |
2017/10/06 | Curriculum | Deactivation of BIOL 502: The Culture of Science |
Yes |
2016/11/08 | Curriculum | Divide PSYO 530 into PSYO 530, 630, and 730 |
Yes |
2016/01/14 | Curriculum | New courses added to BSc Data Science Major and Honours program to include graduate cross-listed courses DATA 501, DATA 521, DATA 505, COSC 505. |
Yes |
2017/10/06 | Curriculum | Proposed new course BIOL 477/577: Bioinformatics |
Yes |
2016/11/08 | Curriculum | Proposed new courses PSYO 524, 525, 526 |
Yes |
2014/10/27 | Curriculum and Program | Proposed new graduate Medical Physics program. Include addition of new courses PHYS 534, 539, 540, 544, 546, 547 |
Yes |
2015/09/11 | Program | Proposed new program MSc in Computer Science. |
Yes |
2017/02/03 | Program | Proposed new program Master of Data Science. |
Yes |
2020/03/06 | Curriculum | Rename PSYO 525 to PSYO 625. |
Yes |
2015/09/11 | Curriculum | Revisions to credits for PSYO 509 (increase from 3/6 to 3-12) and 530 (change from 3-12 to 1-12). |
Yes |
2018/01/05 | Admissions and Program | Proposal that students may transfer from a MSc program in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BIMB) to a PhD program within 18 months of entering the program upon completion of 9 credits, rather than 12 credits outlined previously. |
Yes |
2018/01/05 | Program | Revisions to BIMB Program Requirements. We are proposing to reduce the four course (12 credit) requirement to a three course (9 credit) requirement, including the graduate seminar. For flexibility, and for consistency with the BIOL and CHEM programs, the course description has been altered to remove the specific requirement for a methods-based course (although students may still take this course, if offered). The course reduction represents a loss of 3 credits, which will be balanced by increasing the research-based thesis from 18 to 21 credits to maintain the required 30 credit program. |
Yes |
2018/01/05 | Curriculum | Proposed increase in credit value of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology MSc thesis (BIOL 549) from 18 credits to 21 credits allows for the reduction in the number of required courses in the MSc program while maintaining a total of 30 credits for the program. |
Yes |
2018/01/05 | Curriculum | Proposed increase in credit value of Biology MSc thesis (BIOL 599) from 18 credits to 21 credits allows for the reduction in the number of required courses in the MSc program while maintaining a total of 30 credits for the program. |
Yes |
2014/10/27 | Admissions, Curriculum, and Program | Revisions to Biology program to increase admission standard, change letter grade specification in MSc section, and clarify approval process. |
Yes |
2018/01/05 | Program | Revisions to Biology Program Requirements. We are proposing to reduce the four course (12 credits) requirement to a three course requirement (9 credit), including the graduate seminar requirement. The course reduction represents a loss of 3 credits, which will be balanced by increasing the research-based thesis from 18 to 21 credits to maintain the required 30 credit program. |
Yes |
2018/02/02 | Program | Revisions to calendar entry for MSc in Earth, Environmental, and Geographic sciences to (a) replace “unit” with “department” (b) Correct course name to match course name used in the course descriptions Calendar page. |
Yes |
2018/01/05 | Curriculum | Increase credit value of CHEM 549: M.Sc. Thesis from 18 credits to 23 credits. |
Yes |
2018/04/06 | Program | Addition of “Theoretical Computer Science” to M.Sc. Computer Science program description. |
Yes |
2017/10/06 | Curriculum | Revisions to course titles and descriptions for PSYO 510, 511, 514, 515, 517, 521 to be more inline with the Canadian Psychological Association’s required courses. |
Yes |
2017/04/07 | Curriculum | Revise EESC 550 to better describe content and implications of course, and update 599 and 699 descriptions to be inline with UBC standards. |
Yes |
2015/09/11 | Admissions and Program | Revise admission language to make clearer the implications of not connecting with potential supervisors. |
Yes |
2017/10/06 | Program | Proposed addition of “Mathematical Foundation of Computing Systems” cluster. |
Yes |
2014/03/17 | Program | Revisions to Unit 7: Environmental Sciences to add new courses that have previously been approved, and to revise the program requirements to suit the additional courses. |
Yes |
2016/03/07 | Curriculum and Program | Change name and course codes for the Environmental Sciences (ENVI) graduate program to mirror the name and course codes under in undergraduate: Earth and Environmental Sciences (EESC). |
Yes |
2017/04/07 | Curriculum | Revisions to course requirements (change PHYS 535 from elective to required course for CAMPEP accreditation) |
Yes |
2018/10/05 | Curriculum | Revisions to prerequisites for DATA 570 and 580 as the courses will inverted as the material taught in DATA 580 will provide a gentler introduction to the topic. DATA 580 will therefore become the prerequisite for DATA 570. The prerequisites for DATA 580 will be removed, as they were intended for a former version of the program that included a dual-degree stream, and therefore are not needed. |
Yes |
2017/04/07 | Curriculum | Proposed new course Math 510: General Topology. |
Yes |
2017/12/01 | Curriculum | Proposed new course PHYS 548: Special Topic on Medical Physics. |
Yes |
2019/01/04 | Curriculum | Proposed new Courses COSC 649: Doctoral Dissertation and COSC 690: Research Skills. |
Yes |
2017/04/07 | Curriculum | Proposed new course Math 462/562: Derivative-Free Optimization. |
Yes |
2019/01/04 | Program | Proposed new Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science. |
Yes |
2018/01/05 | Program | Revisions to Chemistry program requirements to reduce the four course requirement to a two course requirement, while keeping the graduate seminar requirement. The course reduction represents a loss of 6 credits which will be balanced by increasing the research-based thesis from 18 to 23 credits to maintain the required 30 credit program. |
Yes |
2018/01/05 | Admissions and Program | Revisions to Chemistry admissions requirements to reduce the MSc four course requirement to a two course requirement, while keeping the graduate seminar requirement. As a result of the proposed change, the PhD admission requirements need to be updated. |
Yes |
2018/03/02 | Curriculum | Credit restrictions need to be added between previous and new (STAT 507 and 538) versions of STAT courses so students are not receiving multiple credits for the same course. |
Yes |
2018/10/05 | Admissions and Program | Updating the English requirements for the Graduate Math program to reflect those on the CoGS Admissions Requirements page. A link has been added to the Math page so the information will always remain consistent with the policy on the CoGS page. |
Yes |
2019/10/04 | Curriculum | Revisions to the Calendar description for the Psychology Graduate Program – Clinical to simplify the description to align it with the language of our sister department in Vancouver that offers the same program. Two additional changes are proposed to the graduate program: (a) align the entry GPA for Psychological Science students with the current requirement for Clinical students [i.e., 80%] and (b) add a minimum score on the GRE Verbal section [i.e., 50th percentile] for all applicants. |
Yes |
2015/03/06 | Curriculum and Program | Add new cluster group “Statistics and Probability”, and 3 new courses: STAT 538: Advanced Statistical Modeling, STAT 546: Topics in Statistics, STAT 560: Probability and Stochastic Processes. |
Yes |
2024/03/14 | Curriculum | Add two new course codes EDUC 522 and EDUC 540 (courses previously offered as special topics courses). |
Yes |
2024/03/14 | Curriculum and Program | Remove CUST 562 and EDUC 521 as required courses and replace with new EDUC 502: Teacher as Researcher. EDUC 502 to be the only required course for M.Ed. with Coursework Only. Students to ensure students are equipped with research literacy skills. |
Yes |
2024/03/14 | Curriculum | Revise course titles and descriptions for EDUC 526 and EDUC 529 to better reflect course content. |
Yes |
2021/09/08 | Curriculum | Proposing an additional pathway to Master of Education completion. Students can choose to complete the MEd with capstone or the course-based MEd. The addition of the course-based MEd will allow more program choice and offer students opportunities to gain more breadth of knowledge toward informing their applied practice in education contexts. |
Yes |
2022/09/26 | Curriculum | Approval of new course EDUC 534: Coyote Stoies: Pedagogy and Praxis (previously offered as special topic), and the removal of thematic areas in the presentation of courses offered within the School of Education such that students are not under the impression that they can specialize in one particular area. |
Yes |
2020/02/07 | Curriculum | Proposed new course EDUC 562: Special Topics in Education. |
Yes |
2020/03/06 | Curriculum | Proposed that EPSE 407, a special topics course, become a separate course: EPSE 470. |
Yes |
2021/11/26 | Program | Approval of new Educational Doctorate. Ed.D. supports and builds on the strategic plan of both the Okanagan School of Education and the University that foregrounds attention to people and places with deep consideration to collaboration, inclusion, and innovation. The Ed.D. is designed to inform, empower and engage working professionals to deepen and broaden their knowledge in their professional contexts. This program responds to local and provincial needs for educators to be able to access an advanced degree and professional learning opportunities for working professionals with the aim of developing diverse communities of scholar-practitioners who will lead research-informed change and innovation in their professional context. |
Yes |
2022/04/13 | Program | Students can transition into a graduate program and/or increase their qualifications by completing a post-baccalaureate certificate that ladders into a Master of Education program or post-baccalaureate diploma. This laddering certificate provides a low barrier opportunity for students to advance their education, build their academic confidence and potentially transition into a graduate degree. This certificate is provided as a gateway to either our 30 credit diploma or master of education programs. |
Yes |
2020/02/07 | Program | Revision to increase MEd credit requirements from 15 to 18 credits, and to increase the number of credits a student can take at the 400 level to 6 credits for MEd and 3 credits for the MA (previously students required permission to take 400 level courses). Additional minor changes such as removing the phrase “thematic course offerings” from the calendar. |
Yes |
2025/02/20 | Curriculum | Instead of being a pass/fail class, APSC 501 will be graded as using the standard UBC percentage/letter grades scale. |
Yes |
2024/10/24 | Curriculum | New graduate course (APSC 513 – Law and Ethics for Engineers) cross-listed with existing 4th-year course (ENGR 413). |
Yes |
2022/10/20 | Program | Calendar description change for Master of Engineering (MEng) to include more specific language on bachelor’s degree expectations (that students will have a bachelor’s in Civil, Electrical, or Mechanical engineering), that students can inquire if their degree meets admission requirements, and that students select courses from a list and may select a co-op in their second year. |
Yes |
2020/02/07 | Curriculum | Proposal to change ENGR 513 course title from “Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology” to “Nanomaterials and Nanomanufacturing”. |
Yes |
2024/11/28 | Curriculum | ENGR 411 and 511 course name changes to signal that students outside Engineering can take these courses. |
Yes |
2022/04/13 | Curriculum | Add the following to the course description of ENGR 546: Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 546 or ENGR 446. |
Yes |
2024/11/28 | Curriculum and Program | Rephrasing of existing MEng program calendar language to better align with UBC Vancouver and how the program has been run. Program requirements have also been reworded and include mandatory common courses for all specializations. |
Yes |
2022/04/13 | Curriculum | Approval of a new course code (CITE) be for CREATE courses. CREATE at UBCO is a new certificate based, multi department specialized training program (funded by NSERC) and led by Engineering. |
Yes |
2020/12/03 | Curriculum | Approval of new engineering course APSC 501: Professional Communication for Engineering Leaders. |
Yes |
2022/12/08 | Curriculum | Approval for new engineering course APSC 503: Start-Up Experience for Engineers. Approved with revision to course description. |
Yes |
2021/10/01 | Curriculum | Approval of new course APSC 520: Demand Side Energy Management |
Yes |
2025/01/09 | Curriculum | New Course Code – Product Design in Human Comfort (PDHC)
New Course – PDHC 500 (Fundamentals of Human Comfort)
New Course – PDHC 501 (Product Design for Human Comfort)
These courses fill an important scientific and technological gap as part of the newly awarded NSERC CREATE Product Design for Human Comfort (PDHC) program at UBC Okanagan.
Yes |
2016/02/11 | Curriculum | Proposed new course ENG 526: Multi-Sensor Data Dusion |
Yes |
2016/04/04 | Curriculum | Proposed new course ENGR 504: Microfabrication Technology and ENGR 566: Advanced Communication Networks and Cloud Computing |
Yes |
2018/11/02 | Curriculum | Proposed new course ENGR 542: Engineering and Study. |
Yes |
2018/09/07 | Curriculum | Proposed new course: ENGR 542: Engineering and Society. |
No |
2014/02/28 | Curriculum | Proposed new course ENGR 573: Quantum Photonics |
No |
2015/08/28 | Curriculum | Proposed new courses APP 501, 502, 507, ENGR 588, 544, 570, 578, 544, 530, 514 |
Yes |
2020/02/07 | Curriculum | Proposed new Courses APSC 500, ENGR 500, ENGR 501, ENGR 509, ENGR 511, ENGR 512, ENGR 518, ENGR 547. Not approved due to lack of distinction between graduate and undergraduate courses. |
No |
2021/02/18 | Curriculum | Approval of new engineering courses APSC 505: Engineering Leadership and APSC 519: System Identification. |
Yes |
2022/04/13 | Curriculum | Approval of new School of Engineering courses: APSC 509, APSC 514, CITE 505, CITE 506, CITE 507, ENGR 409, ENGR 414, MANF 455, MANF 460, MANF 555, MANF 560. |
Yes |
2020/10/15 | Program | Proposed new courses APSC 530: Earth Dam and Dikes and APSC 547: Advanced Drinking Water Treatment. |
No |
2024/02/01 | Curriculum | New Courses: ENGR 400/APSC 500 – Applied Machine Vision for Engineers. |
No |
2017/02/03 | Curriculum | Proposed new courses ENGR 492/582, 494/535, 495/519, 567. |
Yes |
2018/04/06 | Curriculum | Proposed new course ENGR 507: Bio-Microelectromechanical Systems and ENGR 508: Specialty Alloys |
Yes |
2014/04/03 | Curriculum | Proposed new courses ENGR 521: Public Transit Planning, Design, and Operations, ENGR 535: Railway Systems Engineering, ENGR 537: Railway Systems Engineering |
Yes |
2014/08/14 | Curriculum | Proposed new courses ENGR 550: Random Processes for Engineers, ENGR 551: High Power Electronic Converters for Power System Applications, ENGR 557: Advanced Switching Power Supplies |
Yes |
2022/04/13 | Curriculum | Remove ENGR 431 Cross-Listing in ENGR 531 Course Listing as 431 no longer exists. |
Yes |
2022/04/13 | Curriculum | Remove ENGR 534 from cross-listing in ENGR 537 as ENGR 535 is an unrelated course. |
Yes |
2018/11/02 | Curriculum | Revisions to ENGR 527 & 529 to improve clarity of course description to reflect content already included in learning outcomes. |
Yes |
2017/11/03 | Curriculum | Revisions to calendar description for ENGR 560 to due to removal of ENGR 460. Removal of “Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 560 or ENGR 460”. |
Yes |
2020/12/03 | Program | Revisions to Master of Engineering (MEng) program requirements. The program has evolved since its inception more than 10 years ago. It is now shorter in length due to more course availability at UBCO. Also, the option to take courses in Vancouver is no longer available. |
Yes |
2022/10/20 | Curriculum | Approval of new engineering course APSC 503: Start Up Experience for Engineers. Not approved because rationale centered around instructor rather than course, because of issues with overall language of course description, because of course overlap, and because of unclear expectations around coursework versus experiential learning. |
No |