The College of Graduate Studies at UBC’s Okanagan campus values graduate student input on matters that pertain to and affect graduate student education and success on our campus. The College is currently filling one vacancy for a course-based master’s student member on the Graduate Council.

Student members are selected through an election process whereby current graduate students cast one vote for their preferred Graduate Council representative in their respective graduate program (ie. Current doctoral students vote only for the doctoral representative, research master’s students vote only for the research master’s representative, course-based master’s students vote only for the research master’s representative).


About the Graduate Council

The College of Graduate Studies is the coordinating body for graduate education at UBC’s Okanagan campus. The Graduate Council is the governing body responsible for the direction of the affairs and business of the College.

The Council is composed of senior academic administrators, faculty members, student members and College of Graduate Studies staff members. Student members of the Graduate Council have voting powers and can serve for a maximum of two years provided they remain registered. The Council meets monthly to discuss matters pertaining to graduate education on the Okanagan campus. It is tasked with establishing and revising practices related to graduate education, and for making recommendations to the Dean of the College, the faculties, the Senate, or others as appropriate.  graduate students.

Course-Based Master's Student

Faculty: Faculty of Science

Please provide a brief statement describing why you are interested in becoming a member of the Graduate Council:

I am a new member of the UBCO community and I would love to get involved in extracurriculars on campus. I have a lot of experience in leadership positions, which is why I know I would be a great fit for the Graduate Council. I really enjoyed advocating for both my peers in academics, as well as in sports, at my previous institution. I find joy in helping others and I honour and respect the ability to be ina position of leadership, representing others. During my undergrad at Waterloo, I was an ambassador for the Math faculty, and I was also a shadow ambassador for my program, giving full day tours and communicating with prospective students regularly. I was also the captain of two varsity teams, Cross Country and Track and Field. I was also a member of the Athletic Council, which is a council composed of the captains of each team. We met regularly and planned school-wide events and made decisions for varsity athletics as a whole.

Please describe your membership and involvement in other UBC Okanagan clubs, student groups or extracurricular activities:

Although I have just joined the UBCO community a few weeks ago, I am already doing my best to get involved. I am the class representative for my MDS program. I have also joined several clubs, including the Tea Club, Badminton Club, VOCO, and Mountain Riders. I am eager to continue to get involved in the campus community, as I spent so much time doing so at my previous university, and I really enjoyed the friendships and experiences I had because of it.

Please explain how you would effectively advocate for the community that you are proposing to represent:

I have experience advocating for my peers on councils, and I am eager to advocate on their behalf. By regularly communicating with my peers and networking with graduate students from other programs, I will be able to ask if there are any pain points, and address those with the council. I believe that communication and honesty is the key to run a successful council, and by keeping my time open for others to feel welcome to talk to me and tell me their thoughts, I will be able to represent them as best as possible. I would ensure to welcome peers to speak with me before and after class, or during lunch hour breaks, as well as providing my phone number and email to be contacted at any time with concerns or points that they want mentioned to the graduate student council.

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering

Please provide a brief statement describing why you are interested in becoming a member of the Graduate Council:

During my Bachelor of Engineering days, I was the Student Representative for ‘Association of Students Skills in Electronics and Telecommunication’ in my College. As a result, I have ideas regarding students issues, discussions and queries. I want to reciprocate the same knowledge of being a Student Representative at ‘The University of British Columbia’. Also, I would like to have healthy discussions with the administration for the betterment of my peers.

Please describe your membership and involvement in other UBC Okanagan clubs, student groups or extracurricular activities:

As of now, I haven’t been enrolled in any of the UBC clubs. But I have an immense interest for outdoor sports. I am an avid Cricket player and Football player. So I am looking forward to join the UBC clubs. I represented my local team in India in Cricket.

Please explain how you would effectively advocate for the community that you are proposing to represent:

I will have a personal contact with every student, which will enable me to calculate the student behavior and thus, I can bring forward the requirements to the jury of administration in a healthy manner. This will also enable us students to have a positive relations with staff.

Voting Form

DEADLINE: November 4, 2022 – 11:59 pm

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