Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Syilx-Okanagan Graduate Teaching Fellowship


Consistent with the admission period for which a student is applying

Eligibility of Citizenship: Canadian, Permanent Residence, and International
Degree Level: Masters and PhD
Award Status: Open
Applicant Status: Incoming Students and Continuing Students


Quick Facts

The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences is introducing a new Indigenous Graduate Teaching Fellowship, offering annual awards of $10,000 per course (to maximum of $50,000 per annum). The intent is to target Syilx Okanagan Indigenous students to lead developments in the Nsyilxcn language fluency degree and other Okanagan content courses in the Indigenous Studies program. This proposal specifically addresses supporting Indigenous graduate students to develop their capacity to teach Syilx specific Interior Salishan-content. The growth of Indigenous studies programming is a central element of UBC’s commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion in general, and reconciliation with the Syilx-Okanagan Nation in particular.

Value: $10,000 per course


  • Incoming or in-situ graduate students
  • Complete applications submitted by the application deadline receive priority consideration
  • Submissions after the deadline will be considered if funding is available

Evaluation Criteria

  • Lived experience of Syilx Okanagan communities, a high degree of familiarity with Syilx Okanagan knowledge, and relevant post-secondary training
  • CCGS will make recommendations to the College of Graduate Studies

Application Procedures

  • All applicants who have submitted a complete admission application by the deadline, who have identified as Aboriginal, and are recognized by the Syilx Okanagan Nation, may be considered for this scholarship
  • No additional application is required
  • Students are not able to update or make changes to their admission application for the purpose of this

Adjudication Criteria

  • Master’s applicants – GPA across the last two years of the undergraduate program
  • PhD applicant – GPA across all years of a Master’s program
  • Evidence of research experience or promise, including but not limited to:
    • publication record (number and impact factor of publication venue)
    • conference  presentations (sole or co-authored, presenter or not)
  • Evidence of teaching experience or promise
  • Student training (e.g. providing skills training to lab volunteers)
  • Funding awards
  • Community and public engagement activities

Nomination Procedures

  • The Indigenous Graduate Teaching Fellowship is administered by the College of Graduate Studies and the Community, Culture, and Global Studies Department
  • Successful applicants are notified no later than six (6) weeks after the application deadline
  • To be considered for this award, applications must be received by a time set periodically by CCGS
  • Applications are reviewed by the CCGS Indigenous Fellowship Awards Committee

Faculties are to email the name(s) of the recommended student(s) to graduateawards.ok@ubc.ca.

Further information

Conditions for Award Holders

Satisfactory Progress

  • Award holders must maintain satisfactory progress in their programs of study and remain registered as a student for each term of the award payment
  • If the College of Graduate Studies determines that a student is not making satisfactory progress, the College of Graduate Studies reserves the right to cancel the Indigenous Graduate Teaching Fellowship awarded to that student


  • Students receiving an award cannot defer the award to a subsequent fiscal year

Leave of Absence

  • Students granted a leave of absence retain the full value of Indigenous Graduate Teaching Fellowship Award. An award will be suspended at the onset of the leave, and reinstated at the termination of the leave period, provided the student returns to full-time study within the same fiscal year


  • If an award holder withdraws from their program of study, the funding received during the term for which the withdrawal is processed will be recovered by the College of Graduate Studies
Questions about this award? Email graduateawards.ok@ubc.ca