Form Type: Records and Registration
Form For: Current Students
This is the Annual Progress Report (A) for thesis-based students in English, Fine Arts, and Social Work.
This form must be completed by the student, supervisor, co-supervisor (if applicable), committee members, program assistant, and program coordinator and submitted to the College of Graduate Studies by June 1st of each year. Please check with your program regarding program submission deadlines.
Further Information:
Note: you are unable to save your progress as you work through THIS form. It is recommended that you draft the content for the form in a Word document and then copy it over to the digital form.
The form will automatically be sent to your supervisor, co-supervisor (if applicable), committee members, program assistant, and program coordinator once you hit submit. You will receive email updates as your form moves through the approval stages. Detailed instructions for using this electronic form are included at the bottom of this form.
If you have questions about your form and its progress, please contact
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Your personal information is collected under the authority of section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). Questions about the collection of this information may be directed to