Coupon Code Request Form

Form Type: Application
Form For: Faculty and Staff


This form is used by the graduate program to request an application fee waiver coupon code.

Further Information:

  • Program Section

    To be completed by the individual within the program who is authorized to charge expenses to the referenced Worktag or an individual working on their behalf. If submitting on behalf of the approver an email outlining the approval must be included in this form submission.
  • Optional - include if different than the name of the requester.
  • Ex. PhD in Civil Engineering
  • Ex. September 2023, January 2024, May 2024, etc.
  • Max. file size: 12 MB.
    Optional - Include proof of approval for this Worktag. Include if the requester is submitting this form on behalf of the Worktag approver. Ex. An email from Worktag approver confirming that the Worktag can be charged.

Privacy Notification

Your personal information is collected under the authority of section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). Questions about the collection of this information may be directed to
