Request for Extension to Time Allowed for Advancement to Candidacy Form

Form Type: Comprehensive Exams and Candidacy
Form For: Current Students


This form should be used when a student requires an extension to the deadline to achieve candidacy.

Further Information:

The basic requirements for a doctoral student to be admitted to candidacy are:

  • Required coursework successfully completed.
  • Comprehensive examination(s) passed.
  • Dissertation proposal approved by the supervisory committee.


  • Students are normally expected to complete their comprehensive(s) within twenty-four (24) months from the date of initial registration. Students who are not admitted to candidacy within 36 months from the date of their initial registration must withdraw from their program. In exceptional circumstances, the Dean of the College of Graduate Studies may grant an extension to this deadline.

    Candidacy extension requests must be accompanied by:

    1. A letter from the supervisor providing a rationale justifying the extension.

    2. A detailed completion plan with specific details addressing the following:

    i. Indicate whether all required coursework has been successfully completed.

    ii. Indicate what is left to be done in preparation for the comprehensive examination(s) and the proposed date of the exam.

    iii. Indicate in detail what progress has been made on the dissertation proposal, and what is left to be done in terms of experimentation or research.

    iv. Assign completion dates to all of the tasks listed above that are not yet completed, including proposed date for defence of the dissertation proposal.

    Please note that the supervisor will be required to upload these components during their section of the electronic workflow.

  • Student Section

  • Please select your graduate program assistant from the dropdown below.
  • Please see the policy manual for information on advancement to candidacy.
    MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
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    Supervisor Section:

    Graduate Studies may request progress reports be submitted at various times throughout the extension.
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    Use the text box or attach supporting letter.
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    Use the text box or attach supporting documentation.
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    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 12 MB.
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      MM slash DD slash YYYY
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      Graduate Program Coordinator Section:

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      MM slash DD slash YYYY
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      Dean/Associate Dean Section

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      MM slash DD slash YYYY
    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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