UBC Okanagan Academic Fund Application

Form Type: Awards
Form For: Current Students


The UBC Okanagan Academic Fund supports graduate student scholarship and research initiatives that are central to the development of the student experience. Applications may be made to the Fund by individual graduate students, organized student groups, or faculty members. Examples of activities supported by the Fund include the cost of bringing speakers and lecturers to campus, and organizing and supporting graduate student-led research events.

PLEASE NOTE: Individual student travel and conference fees are not supported by this fund.

Further Information:


  • Applications to the fund are accepted throughout the year.


  • Departments, faculty members, graduate programs, graduate students, and graduate student groups are eligible to apply for funding toward student-led initiatives.


  • Complete and submit the application form at least one month prior to the scheduled event.
  • The form will automatically be sent to your program coordinator for review and approval. You will be notified as your form moves through the approval process. If you have questions about your form and its progress, please contact gradadmin.ubco@ubc.ca 
  • Submitted applications are reviewed by and decided on by the Executive of the College of Graduate Studies.
  • Funding for approved applicants will be transferred from the College of Graduate Studies directly to the department of the Program Coordinator supporting the application


  • Funds may be used for:
    • Providing honoraria for speakers or lectures external to UBCO, or providing gifts to presenters, speakers, or lecturers
    • Providing prize money to students at research symposiums or conferences
    • Enhancing accessibility and engagement of events (ie. advertising, promotions, software)
  • The Program Coordinator of the applicant must support the application. In the case of group applications, a primary individual applicant must be identified.
  • Individuals and groups who receive funds from the UBC Okanagan Academic Fund must acknowledge that they received funding from the College of Graduate Studies in any publications, advertisements or verbal presentation related to the event or initiative supported
  • Normally applicants are funded up to a maximum of $500. Applicants are encouraged to seek matching funds or additional funding from graduate programs and/or departments.


Privacy Notification

Your personal information is collected under the authority of section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). Questions about the collection of this information may be directed to gradadmin.ubco@ubc.ca
