

All applicants are asked to provide copies of transcripts from every post-secondary institution they have attended (e.g, exchange year, transfer year, degrees, etc.). For the initial evaluation of the application, applicants can scan and upload digital copies (PDFs) of transcripts in the application system. Documents uploaded by applicants are considered “unofficial documents.”

Please note that, if an applicant receives an offer of admission, we will require official documents. “Official documents” are those which are sent from the issuing institution directly to the College of Graduate Studies.

Conditional admission offers may be made based on documents uploaded to the application system; however, full or unconditional admission offers will not be issued and applicants will not be allowed to register in their graduate programs until all required official academic records are received and validated by the University.


Applicants with Canadian transcripts (other than UBC) must obtain an official transcript from every post-secondary institution they have attended. UBC transcripts are not required. Please ensure that the transcript key/grading scale is included on your transcript. If no grading scale is shown, please upload it as part of your application.

Each transcript should be scanned as an individual PDF file and uploaded to the application system. Please follow any directions the specific graduate program provides regarding naming your scanned document files. Otherwise, they should be named: “Applicant Full Name-Document Description.extension”.

  • Kelly Smith-University of Waterloo Transcript.pdf
  • Kelly Smith-CV.pdf
  • Kelly Smith-Journal of Neurosciences Paper.pdf

Transcripts must be scanned front and back. All pages of one transcript should be uploaded as a single file.

If you are unable to upload copies of your transcripts during the application process, please arrange for official transcripts to be submitted to the College of Graduate Studies immediately. Applications will not be reviewed until transcripts are included in the application package.


To be considered official, academic records must either be received in official university envelopes, sealed and endorsed by the issuing institution, or be sent via secure electronic delivery by the issuing institution.

After being offered admission: If you have been offered admission conditional upon receipt of the official documentation, you must provide UBC with one set of official transcripts for every post-secondary institution you have attended. If the official transcript does not indicate the degree name and the degree conferral date, then an official degree certificate is also required.


The issuing institution must send a link to a secure site to The College of Graduate Studies will download the official transcript.

Electronic document delivery via MyCreds 

Applicants from Canadian institutions that participate in the myCreds service for secure electronic delivery of transcripts/parchments should log into the portal and select the following receiving organization: University of British Columbia (UBC) – Graduate Admissions & Records | Okanagan Campus.

  • Your student number is required as part of your submission of documents via myCreds.
  • Please set either no expiry date or provide at least 6 months of duration for documents to be available for download.
  • College of Graduate Studies
    University of British Columbia, Okanagan Campus
    1161 Alumni Avenue
    Kelowna, BC  V1V 1V7

UBC does not accept the following:

  • photocopies that have not been stamped, attested and endorsed by the Registrar at your home university
  • documents in envelopes that have been opened
  • documents that do not arrive in sealed envelopes endorsed by the issuing institution or certified translator
  • documents that arrive without the official seal of the university
  • photocopies notarized by a notary public
  • photocopies endorsed by a lawyer, professor, judge etc.
  • unofficial translations
  • non-literal translations
  • electronic transcripts submitted by someone outside of the Registrar’s office

Do not send academic records that are not in sealed and endorsed envelopes. This will delay the processing of your application.


All applicants are asked to provide copies of transcripts from every post-secondary institution they have attended (e.g, exchange year, transfer year, degrees, etc.). For the initial evaluation of the application, applicants can scan and upload digital copies (PDFs) transcripts in the application system. Documents uploaded by applicants are considered “unofficial documents.”

Please note that, if an applicant receives an offer of admission, we will require official documents. “Official documents” are those which are sent from the issuing institution directly to the College of Graduate Studies.

Conditional admission offers may be made based on documents uploaded to the application system; however, full or unconditional admission offers will not be issued and applicants will not be allowed to register in their graduate program until all required official academic records are received and validated by the University.


Applicants with transcripts from non-Canadian post-secondary institutions must obtain an official transcript from every post-secondary institution attended. Please ensure that the grading scale is included on your transcript. If no grading scale is shown, please upload it as part of your application.

Each transcript must be scanned as an individual pdf file and then uploaded to the application system as indicated. Please follow any directions the specific graduate program provides about naming your scanned document files. Otherwise, they should be named: “Applicant Full Name-Document Description.extension”

  • Peng Zhang-Peking University Transcript.pdf
  • Peng Zhang-Peking University Transcript English Translation.pdf

Transcripts must be scanned front and back. All pages of one transcript should be uploaded as a single file.

If you have transcripts that are issued in a language other than English or French, in addition to uploading digital copies of the documents in their original language, you must also upload a certified literal English translation of your transcripts from your home university’s translation service or a certified English translator.

If you are unable to upload copies of your transcripts during the application process, please arrange for official transcripts to be submitted to the College of Graduate Studies immediately.  Applications will not be reviewed until transcripts are included in the application package.


To be considered official, academic records must either be received in official university envelopes, sealed and endorsed by the issuing institution or be sent via secure electronic delivery by the issuing institution.

After being offered admission: If you have been offered admission conditional upon receipt of the official documentation, you must provide UBC with one set of official transcripts for every post-secondary institution you have attended. If an official transcript does not indicate the degree name and the degree conferral date, then an official copy of the degree certificate must also be submitted.


The issuing institution must send a link to a secure site to The College of Graduate Studies will download the official transcript.

Electronic document delivery via Digitary CORE and My eQuals 

Applicants from international institutions that use the Digitary CORE and My eQuals platform for secure electronic delivery of transcripts/parchments should log into their learner user portal and select the following receiving organization: University of British Columbia (UBC) – Graduate Admissions & Records | Okanagan Campus.

  • Your student number is required as part of your submission of documents.
  • Please set either no expiry date or provide at least 6 months of duration for documents to be available for download.

Our office accepts China Credentials Verification (CSSD) verified transcripts and degree certificates in lieu of institution-issued official documents. When applying for the report, please request the following documents:

  • Verification Report of China Higher Education Student’s Academic Transcript AND
  • Either the Verification Report of China Higher Education Qualification Certificate or the Verification Report of Higher Education Degree Certificate in the event the Qualification Certificate is not available.

We DO NOT accept Online Verification Report of Student Record

Applicants from Chinese institutions that participate in the CSSD platform for secure electronic delivery of transcripts/certificates can share their documents directly by selecting the following registered organization:

  • University of British Columbia (UBC) – Graduate Admissions and Records | Okanagan Campus
  • College of Graduate Studies
    University of British Columbia, Okanagan Campus
    1161 Alumni Avenue
    Kelowna, BC  V1V 1V7
If your university issues only one original copy of transcripts/degree certificates

Make photocopies of your original academic records and send them to your home university. Ask your home university to:

  • verify that the photocopies are consistent with their records;
  • attest that the copies are true photocopies and stamp them with an official university stamp;
  • put the attested, stamped photocopies in sealed envelopes endorsed by the Registrar;
  • mail the sealed, endorsed envelopes directly to the College of Graduate Studies.

Translation of Transcripts

If you have attended institutions where the transcripts are issued in a language other than English or French, then you must:

  • arrange to have a set of all official transcripts issued in their original language;
  • obtain a certified literal English translation of your transcripts from your home university’s translation service;
  • send both the original transcripts and the literal English translation to the College of Graduate Studies, in sealed envelopes endorsed by your university.

If your home university does not provide English translations of transcripts, you must:

  • arrange to have a set of all official transcripts issued in their original language sent to the College of Graduate Studies, in sealed envelopes endorsed by your university;
  • make a photocopy of your transcripts. (Do not open the sealed, endorsed envelope containing transcripts intended for submission to the College of Graduate Studies.)
  • Take the copy to a certified English translator and ask them to provide a complete, word-by-word, literal English translation;
  • tell the translator to put both the original language photocopy and the English translation into a sealed envelope, and endorse the envelope by signing across the seal;
    • send the sealed, endorsed envelopes from the translator to the College of Graduate Studies.

Note: Academic records must be translated in their entirety, including any information that appears on the reverse side of any document.

UBC does not accept the following:

    • photocopies that have not been stamped, attested and endorsed by the Registrar at your home university
    • documents in envelopes that have been opened
    • documents that do not arrive in sealed envelopes endorsed by the issuing institution or certified translator
    • documents that arrive without the official seal of the university
    • photocopies notarized by a notary public
    • photocopies endorsed by a lawyer, professor, judge, etc.
    • unofficial translations
    • non-literal translations
    • electronic transcripts submitted by someone outside of the Registrar’s office

Current and Former UBC Students

You do not need to submit UBC transcripts as part of your graduate application, as this data is already available through the student database system.

You are still responsible for submitting transcripts from all other post-secondary institutions you have attended (e.g., exchange year, transfer year, etc.).


Documents submitted in support of applications become the property of the University and may not be returned to the applicant or student. Students who submit irreplaceable material may request the return of that material. Such requests must be submitted with the original material. The College of Graduate Studies will return the material as soon as possible, and not later than six months after the student’s graduation or last registration.

Apply Now

When you are ready to apply, or need to check the status of your application, access our online application system.

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