The College of Graduate Studies offers awards to reward academic achievement, allowing students to focus on their studies and research.

Graduate Tuition & Fees

All graduate students are responsible for keeping tuition payment and student fees up-to-date until the completion of their program.

Students who encounter financial difficulty during their studies should discuss the issue with their graduate supervisor.


Graduate Financial Support

UBC provides financial assistance through scholarships and bursaries to students to help them realize their academic goals. Students must maintain registration in their graduate program in order to have UBC confirm their enrolment and release their funding. This includes confirmation for Registered Education Savings Plans (RESP), external awards, and UBC scholarships and bursaries.

Student funding is divided into two major categories:

    1. Merit-based funding, such as scholarships and prizes. These are awarded according to academic achievement
    2. Need-based funding, such as bursaries, loans and grants. These are awarded according to assessed financial need

Merit-Based Graduate Funding

The College of Graduate Studies is responsible for merit-based graduate awards at the Okanagan campus of the University of British Columbia. We manage a number of award competitions each year and administer payments of all internal awards and selected external awards.

Needs-Based Graduate Funding

Other Graduate Funding


The goal of the the Minimum Funding Policy for PhD Students is to assist PhD students to be full-time scholars, and to aid in graduate recruitment, by having a guaranteed minimum funding level.

Award opportunities

Want to know which awards you’re eligible for and how to apply?