4.0 Tuition & Fees

4.1 Graduate Student Tuition

Fees, including tuition, program, course, special, and student society fees, are approved by the Board of Governors, following analysis and student consultation.

Fees are subject to change.

Tuition & student fees are assessed three times per year in September (for September – December), January (for January – April), and May (for May – August).

Payment deadlines are posted in the Academic Calendar.

Graduate students pay tuition based on their program of study, not course credits.

4.2 Graduate Student Fees

Student fees include fees authorized by student referendum, the UBC Board of Governors, and other student societies and organizations. Upon registering, a student has initiated a contract with UBC for payment of all assessed fees. A student may terminate this contract only by withdrawing from UBC.

Student fee details are listed in the Academic Calendar.


Every student enrolled in a master’s program is required to maintain continuous registration by paying tuition instalments according to Schedule A or B for standard programs and according to the fees listed for each Specialized Master’s Degree Program, plus authorized student fees. Failure to pay fees will result in a financial hold and an interest penalty.

Students who have paid more than the minimum instalments for the degree will have their tuition fees prorated to the end of the month in which the College of Graduate Studies confirms that all degree requirements have been completed. This includes the submission of either their major paper or final project to their department or their thesis to the College of Graduate Studies’ Office.

All graduate students in standard master’s degree programs are automatically assessed fees according to Schedule A. Students who are planning on taking a master’s degree through part-time study (Schedule B) must obtain approval from their Graduate Program Advisor and the College of Graduate Studies prior to the beginning of the term in which fees are first assessed. To do so, please complete the Application for Part-time Payment. This application is also available from the College of Graduate Studies.

Only students planning to take their degree through part-time study are permitted to select Schedule B for standard programs. Students who select Schedule B are advised that, by virtue of their part-time status, they are ineligible to receive government loans, interest-free status, and University fellowships or scholarships. Students are not permitted to switch from Schedule B to Schedule A after the due date of the first instalment.

Tuition fees are reviewed annually by the Board of Governors. In recent years, tuition increases have been 2% for continuing domestic students and between 2% and 5% for continuing international students.

Detailed information concerning tuition fees are listed in the Academic Calendar.


Every student enrolled in a doctoral program is required to maintain continuous registration by paying tuition instalments, plus authorized student fees according to the appropriate tuition fee schedule.

All students are “full-time” for the assessment of tuition and authorized student fees. Authorized student fees apply to all doctoral programs regardless of credit load or place of residence.

Students who have paid more than the minimum for the degree (the first six (6) instalments) will have their tuition fees prorated to the end of the month in which the College of Graduate Studies confirms that all degree requirements have been completed. This includes the submission of their dissertation to the College of Graduate Studies. Student fees are not prorated.

Tuition fees are reviewed annually by the Board of Governors. In recent years, tuition increases have been 2% for continuing domestic students and between 2% and 5% for continuing international students.

Detailed information regarding doctoral tuition is available in the Academic Calendar.

4.3 Tuition Refund Following Thesis Program Completion

Students who have paid more than the minimum required number of tuition installments for the program in which they are enrolled may be eligible for a partial tuition refund if they complete their program part way through a semester.

Student programs are closed out to the date on which all program requirements are completed.  For thesis/dissertation students, this includes uploading the final thesis/dissertation to cIRcle and approval of the final thesis/dissertation by the College of Graduate Studies. Refunds are prorated monthly (ex. a student who completes all requirements on any day in September will receive a tuition refund for October, November, and December. A student who completes all requirements on any day in October will receive a tuition refund for November and December, etc.).

Student fees are not prorated.