Graduate Student Spaces

UBC’s Okanagan campus offers two spaces for use by graduate students. Access to both areas is granted to current graduate students who agree to abide by the terms and conditions mentioned below.

The Graduate and Postdoctoral Collegiumcommunity building space

Arts and Science Centre (ASC 460)
7 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily

The Graduate and Postdoctoral Collegium offers a social place for graduate students to hang out, eat lunch, and spend time with peers. Graduate students can also book this space for events. The Graduate and Postdoctoral Collegium is set up in a relaxing lounge-style atmosphere, outfitted with comfortable furniture, a television, individual and group work spaces and kitchen facilities.

Booked Collegium events

The Graduate Student Commons – study space

Student Commons (COM 310)
6 a.m. to 1 a.m. daily

The Graduate Student Commons is a space uniquely designed to foster graduate student collaboration and support the overall academic wellbeing of graduate students on UBCO’s campus. Located on the top floor of the Commons, these dedicated graduate study spaces help to strengthen a sense of community for graduate students at UBC Okanagan. Filled with natural light and student-centric design, the Graduate Student Commons is an ideal space for individual or group study.

Services & Benefits:

  • Two bookable meeting rooms (4-6 people)
  • Powered workstations
  • Adjustable height tables
  • Dedicated graduate student printer
  • Secure lockers
  • Moveable whiteboards

Printing in the Graduate Commons:
There is a dedicated graduate student printer that uses Web Print. For more information about printing, please refer IT – [UBCO] How Do I?  Pay-for-Print.

Questions? Please email

Access Request for Graduate and Postdoctoral Spaces

To access graduate student spaces, please submit the Space Access Request form.

Booking the Graduate and Postdoctoral Collegium

  • Who is booking the room?

  • When would you like to book the room?

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • :
  • What will the room be used for?

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


  • The Graduate and Postdoctoral Collegium is located in Arts and Science 460 and offers all current registered graduate students a gathering space to relax, eat, spend time with their peers in intellectual discussion(s), and/or use it for a planned event.
  • The Graduate and Postdoctoral Collegium is open seven days a week from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.
  • The maximum capacity for the room is 60.
  • A schedule of booked events is available in the Collegium Calendar above.


  • Lunch period = 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
  • Peak hours = Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
  • Event organizer = Individual responsible for booking the space


  1. To schedule an event, you must submit a booking form to the College of Graduate Studies. You will receive a booking confirmation via email. Please check the Collegium Calendar prior to submitting a request.
  2. Your booking request should include set-up and tear-down time.
  3. Events can only be booked during regular “open” hours.
  4. Events are booked on a “first come, first served” basis.
  5. Booking requests must be submitted at least five business days in advance.
  6. Weekday bookings are limited during peak hours. No more than two events will be held in one calendar week during peak hours.
  7. Event bookings are limited to a maximum of two hours unless special approval is granted by the College of Graduate Studies.
  8. Events must be for graduate students. Booking requests for faculty, staff, or other student events will not be approved.
  9. The Collegium must remain open to all graduate students during weekday events booked over the lunch period (11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.)
  10. The event organizer is required to post a notice of closure on both Collegium doors at least two days in advance.
  11. Alcohol is not normally permitted in the Collegium. If you would like to serve alcohol at your event, you must adhere to Policy 13 – Serving and Consumption of Alcohol at
    University Facilities and Events.
  12. Event organizers require SALTO access to ASC 460 in order to access the room for events. If the organizer is not eligible for access to ASC 460, arrangements should be made at least two weeks in advance to obtain the necessary access.
  13. The event organizer is responsible for ensuring the Collegium is clean following an event. One warning will be issued if the Collegium is not cleaned following an event. Further violations will result in a cleaning fee and the organizer will be prohibited from future event bookings.
  14. To cancel an event, please contact the College of Graduate Studies at
  15. The College of Graduate Studies has the right to re-schedule existing events based on
    priority requirements.
  16. If the terms are not followed, future events will not be approved.

More Information

Policy UP9 – Booking and Rental of UBC Space
Policy 13 – Serving and Consumption of Alcohol at University Facilities and Events

The Graduate Workshop Room – workshops and defence practice

Student Commons (COM 311)
booked use only

The Graduate Workshop Room is a space used to hold professional, academic and health and wellness workshops for graduate students. When not booked for workshops, this space is available for graduate students to practice thesis or dissertation examinations.

The Graduate Workshop Room can only be booked one month or less in advance of the requested booking; however, the request should be submitted at least two business days in advance of the requested date.  To book the Graduate Workshop Room:

Step 1:

Fill out and submit the Graduate Workshop Room booking form.

Step 2:

If the room is available at your requested time, you receive a confirmation with access instructions.