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UBCO offers an Indigenous Master of Science in Nursing pathway
An Indigenous approach to understanding water

An Indigenous approach to understanding water

Graduate students Dawn Machin and Sarah Alexis are incorporating traditional Indigenous knowledge into their research about our relationship with water.

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UBCO recognizes top students at 2023 graduation ceremonies
UBCO confers honorary degrees to steadfast campus supporters

UBCO confers honorary degrees to steadfast campus supporters

Pauline Terbasket, Lindsay Gordon to be recognized at graduation

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UBCO celebrates the graduates of 2023
At the intersection of mathematics and business

At the intersection of mathematics and business

Master’s student Mohammad Mosaffa is using machine learning to improve customer service.

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UBCO honours this year’s most outstanding researchers
How humans and climate change affect our environment

How humans and climate change affect our environment

Doctoral student Melanie Dickie’s research explores how these factors combine to influence the natural world.

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Journeying back home

Journeying back home

Hanna Paul returned to her First Nations community to research moon time teachings and build confidence for youth and women.

The post Journeying back home appeared first on UBC Okanagan News.