College of Graduate Studies

Téo Ardanaz, applauding the crowd during his senior's night ceremony (February 2024)

Meet Téo Ardanaz

Student athlete, Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies student, and multi-award winner, Téo Ardanaz does it all

Spenser Ursel in the lab

Meet Spencer Ursel

Spencer Ursel, Master of Science in Health & Exercise Sciences student, unravels the relationship between exercise, metabolism, and immune function.

UBCO study raises concerns about partner violence in queer relationships
Meet Niki Soroush-Asghari

Meet Niki Soroush-Asghari

Meet Niki Soroush-Asghari, Master of Science in Nursing student.

What will Canadians be celebrating this Canada Day?

What will Canadians be celebrating this Canada Day?

UBCO study shares early findings and reflections on Canadian citizenship

The post What will Canadians be celebrating this Canada Day? appeared first on UBC Okanagan News.

UBCO’s Mindfest an evening of scientific discovery, community engagement
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Student Wins Prestigious Vanier Award

Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Student Wins Prestigious Vanier Award

It’s been a year of wins for Pawanjit Kaur Sandhu, as she secures the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship.

Study on architecture of the heart offers better understanding of human evolution
UBCO celebrates top academic students in the Class of 2024
UBCO celebrates the Class of 2024