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Academic Reference Form Application Prospective Students, Current Students, and Faculty and Staff

An academic reference is provided by a college or university instructor, usually holding a PhD. The academic reference will have instructed or supervised the applicant during his/her academic studies. The academic referee will be asked to comment, where applicable, on the applicant’s academic preparation, originality, skill at research, industry, intellectual capacity, and teaching ability.

Admission Appeals Form Application Prospective Students

This form is for applicants who want to pursue an appeal beyond the program level.

Admission Change of Start Date Request Records and Registration Current Students

The Admission Change of Start Date Request (formerly Admission Deferral Request) is used to request a change to your program start date.

Change of Start Date Request

Annual Progress Report – Clinical Psychology Records and Registration Current Students

This is the Annual Progress Report for master’s and doctoral students in Clinical Psychology.

This form must be completed by the student, supervisor, co-supervisor (if applicable), program assistant, and program coordinator and submitted to the College of Graduate Studies by June 1st of each year. Please check with your program regarding program submission deadlines.

Annual Progress Report A Records and Registration Current Students

This is the Annual Progress Report (A) for thesis-based students in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Education, Engineering, Health and Exercise Sciences/Kinesiology, Mathematics, Medical Physics, Nursing, and Psychology.

This form must be completed by the student, supervisor, co-supervisor (if applicable), committee members, program assistant, and program coordinator and submitted to the College of Graduate Studies by June 1st of each year. Please check with your program regarding program submission deadlines.

Annual Progress Report A – Biology Records and Registration Current Students

This is the Annual Progress Report (A) for thesis-based students in Biology.

This form must be completed by the student, supervisor, co-supervisor (if applicable), program assistant, and program coordinator and submitted to the College of Graduate Studies by June 1st of each year. Please check with your program regarding program submission deadlines.

Annual Progress Report A – English, Fine Arts, Social Work Records and Registration Current Students

This is the Annual Progress Report (A) for thesis-based students in English, Fine Arts, and Social Work.

This form must be completed by the student, supervisor, co-supervisor (if applicable), committee members, program assistant, and program coordinator and submitted to the College of Graduate Studies by June 1st of each year. Please check with your program regarding program submission deadlines.

Annual Progress Report A – IGS (Individualized and Themed) Records and Registration Current Students

This is the Annual Progress Report (A) for thesis-based students in the Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies (IGS) Program in both themed and individualized streams.

This form must be completed by the student, supervisor, co-supervisor (if applicable), committee members, program assistant, and program coordinator and submitted to the College of Graduate Studies by June 1st of each year. Please check with your program regarding program submission deadlines.

Annual Progress Report B – English, Education, Engineering, Nursing Records and Registration Current Students

This is the Annual Progress Report (B) for non-thesis-based students in MA – English, MEd, MEng, MSN.

This form must be completed by the student, signed by the supervisor, program assistant and program coordinator, and submitted to the College of Graduate Studies by June 1st of each year. Please check with your program regarding program submission deadlines.

Annual Progress Report B – Social Work Records and Registration Current Students

This is the Annual Progress Report (B) for non-thesis-based students in the MSW program.

This form must be completed by the student, signed by the program coordinator, and submitted to the College of Graduate Studies by June 1st of each year. Please check with your program regarding program submission deadlines.

Application for Waiver of Doctoral Residency Requirement Application Faculty and Staff

The residency requirement for all Ph.D. students registered in programs on the UBC Okanagan campus is a minimum of 24 months of accumulated full-time study at the University from the point of beginning a Ph.D. to its conclusion.

For doctoral students pursuing research that prevents them from fulfilling the residency requirement at the UBC Okanagan campus, it is necessary to develop alternative plans for engagement that enable students to benefit from a UBC doctoral education. Such plans must indicate how students will engage with the program and fulfill program requirements, and may also include participation in relevant communities of scholars in non-traditional ways. Please review the full policy in the Calendar.

To apply for a waiver of this requirement, the student’s supervisor must complete all three sections below and the form must be approved by the graduate student, the Graduate Program Coordinator, and the Dean of the College of Graduate Studies.

Call for Graduate Council Expressions of Interest Committee Current Students

The College is calling for Expressions of Interest from current graduate students enrolled at UBC Okanagan who are interested in filling a vacancy on Graduate Council.
Expression of Interest

Call for GSAC Expressions of Interest Committee Current Students

The College is calling for Expressions of Interest from current graduate students enrolled at UBC Okanagan who are interested in filling a vacancy on the Graduate Student Advisory Council (GSAC).

Call for IGS Program Committee Expressions of Interest Committee Current Students

The College of Graduate Studies is calling for Expressions of Interest from master’s and PhD students enrolled in the interdisciplinary studies program who are interested in filling vacancies for student members on the Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies (IGS) Program Committee.

Call for IGS Theme Committee Expressions of Interest Committee Current Students

IGS is calling for Expressions of Interest from current graduate students enrolled at UBC Okanagan who are interested in filling a vacancy on the IGS Theme Committees.

Change of Student Supervisor/Committee Member Committee Current Students

This form must be completed to make changes to a student’s supervisory committee, which could include adding or removing committee members.

Checklist of Expectations for Graduate Student and Supervisor Records and Registration Current Students and Faculty and Staff

The aim of this checklist is to define the expectations and responsibilities of the graduate student and the supervisor.

Checklist of Expectations for Postdoctoral Fellows and Supervisors Committee Faculty and Staff

The UBCO Postdoc Association and the College of Graduate Studies have created a checklist of expectations to guide discussions between new postdocs and their supervisors.

The purpose of this checklist is to provide opportunities for discussion of and agreement on the respective expectations and responsibilities of Postdoctoral Fellows and their supervisors. Any additional expectations and responsibilities not covered in this checklist should be discussed, agreed upon, and appended to this document. Each party should sign and retain a copy of this checklist as well as any appended materials.

CoGS Web User Form Records and Registration Faculty and Staff

Submit this form to be added as a user to the College of Graduate Studies website.

Contact Us Records and Registration Prospective Students, Current Students, and Faculty and Staff

Please use our office contact form to submit any inquiries you may have.

Coupon Code Request Form Application Faculty and Staff

This form is used by the graduate program to request an application fee waiver coupon code.

Course Exemption Form Records and Registration Current Students and Faculty and Staff

Use this form if the graduate program is granting an exemption to a specific program requirement. The graduate program must be satisfied that the student has acquired the knowledge from courses previously taken or from experience.

Curriculum Committee Report Course Scheduling and Curriculum Faculty and Staff

All graduate level Category 1 and Category 2 curriculum proposals are recommended by the Graduate Studies Program and Curriculum Committee. Curriculum proposals should be submitted no less than one week in advance of the Graduate Studies Curriculum Committee meeting and should be accompanied by this cover form. Please submit the form to the College of Graduate Studies.

Dean’s Approval for Supervisor/Co-Supervisor/Committee Member Form Committee Faculty and Staff

This form is used by programs to request approval from the Dean of the College of Graduate Studies for supervisors, co-supervisors, and committee members where required, as outlined by Senate Policy O-9.

Dean’s Approval for a Graduate Student to Teach Records and Registration Faculty and Staff

The department head should use this form to request permission from the Dean of the College of Graduate Studies for a graduate student to teach courses. All teaching appointments of graduate students require the written approval of the Dean of the College of Graduate Studies.

Doctoral Dissertation Approval and Program Completion Form Master’s Thesis/Doctoral Dissertation Faculty and Staff

This form is sent to the Neutral Chair from the supervisor via email prior to the examination date. If revisions are required by the student, the Chair ensures that the External Examiner, University Examiner, and Examining Committee sign off on this form right after the examination except for the supervisor. The form is then given to the supervisor to hold until the student makes all the necessary revisions. The supervisor signs off on the form and hands the form into the College of Graduate Studies as part of final submission requirements.

Doctoral Citation Submission Form Master’s Thesis/Doctoral Dissertation Current Students

This form should be used to submit the doctoral citation to be read at the graduate ceremony.

Doctoral Comprehensive Examination Report Comprehensive Exams and Candidacy Current Students and Faculty and Staff

The basic requirements for a doctoral student to be admitted to candidacy are all required coursework has been successfully completed; the comprehensive examination has been passed; and the supervisory committee has certified that the thesis proposal has been approved. This form must be submitted to the College of Graduate Studies once the examination(s) is/are complete.

Doctoral Dissertation Oral Examination – Neutral Chair Responsibilities and Procedures Master’s Thesis/Doctoral Dissertation Faculty and Staff

This document can be sent to the Neutral Chair by the supervisor via email prior to the examination. It outlines the step-by-step responsibilities and procedures for the Neutral Chair.

Doctoral Dissertation Oral Examination Announcement Master’s Thesis/Doctoral Dissertation Current Students and Faculty and Staff

This announcement form is posted on the College of Graduate Studies bulletin board and on UBC calendar events.

eVision Access (Application System) Form Application Faculty and Staff

This form provides access to the Graduate Application System. This form must be completed to add, change, or remove access to the Graduate Application System.

Note: Permission to access the Graduate Application System does not equate to permission to supervise graduate students. Use the quick reference guide to determine the eligibility for supervisory privileges prior to submitting this form. In some cases, approval from the Dean of the College of Graduate Studies to supervise/co-supervise students may be required as outlined by Senate Policy O-9.

External Examiner Email Request for CV example Master’s Thesis/Doctoral Dissertation Faculty and Staff

This is a sample email that the supervisor can use when initiating the request for invitation of an External Examiner.

External Examiners Report Master’s Thesis/Doctoral Dissertation Current Students and Faculty and Staff

This form is used by the external examiner, who is responsible for reviewing and approving the dissertation prior to the defence.

Final Doctoral Dissertation Oral Examination – Neutral Chair’s Report Master’s Thesis/Doctoral Dissertation Faculty and Staff

This form is sent to the Neutral Chair from the supervisor via email prior to the examination date. This form records the voting outcome by the examining committee for the student. The Neutral Chair ensures the External Examiner, University Examiner, and Examining Committee members have all signed the outcome selected. The Chair records their comments and observations before signing off. All ballots are to be attached to the form as part of the process. The form is submitted to Graduate Studies 48 hours after the examination is completed by the Chair.

Please note that this form has not yet been updated to reflect the changes from “Major” to “Substantive” revisions.

Final Master’s Thesis Oral Examination – Neutral Chair’s Report Master’s Thesis/Doctoral Dissertation Faculty and Staff

This form is sent to the Neutral Chair from the supervisor via email prior to the examination date. This form records the voting outcome by the examining committee for the student. The Neutral Chair ensures the University Examiner, and Examining Committee members have all signed the outcome selected. The Chair records their comments and observations before signing off. All ballots are to be attached to the form as part of the process. The form is submitted to Graduate Studies 48 hours after the examination is completed by the Chair.

Please note that this form has not yet been updated to reflect the changes from “Major” to “Substantive” revisions.

Final Oral Examination – Committee Member Report Master’s Thesis/Doctoral Dissertation Faculty and Staff

This form must be submitted to the Dean within five (5) business days after the examination if the committee has chosen i) Fail on either the written thesis or oral defence, ii) Failure to reach unanimous decision on either the written thesis or oral defence. If one of these outcomes is selected, you must immediately inform the College of Graduate Studies. Each Examination Committee member (including the University Examiner) must provide a confidential Final Oral Examination Committee Member Report to the Dean of Graduate Studies explaining the reasons for their recommendation within five business days.

Finch Family Graduate Award Application Form Awards Current Students

This form should be used to apply for the Finch Family Graduate Award.

Finch Family Graduate Award Reference Form Awards Faculty and Staff

Faculty and staff should complete this reference form if they have agreed to evaluate an applicant for a Finch Family Graduate Award.

Governor General’s Gold Medal Nomination Form Awards Faculty and Staff

This form should be used to nominate a student for the Governor General’s Gold Medal, which is awarded to the student who has achieved the most outstanding academic record as a doctoral or master’s student completing a dissertation or thesis.

Grade Change Form Records and Registration Current Students and Faculty and Staff

Programs must submit this form to the College of Graduate Studies to request a grade change for a student.

Graduate and Postdoctoral Space Access Request Form Records and Registration Current Students

Graduate students submit this form to obtain access to the Graduate and Postdoctoral Collegium (ASC 460) and Graduate Student Commons (COM 310). Postdoctoral scholars submit this form to obtain access to the Graduate and Postdoctoral Collegium (ASC 460).
Space Access Request

Graduate Exchange Agreement Records and Registration Current Students

This agreement allows graduate students in good academic standing at UBC, McGill University, University of Toronto and University of Montréal to take courses at each other’s university without having to pay extra tuition fees to the host institution. The terms of the agreement for the Graduate Exchange Agreement are the same as those set out for the Western Deans’ Agreement.

Graduate Student & Postdoctoral Fellow Profile Form Records and Registration Current Students

Share your experience as a UBC Okanagan graduate student, postdoctoral scholar, or scholarship awardee. Submit this form to have your information considered for a profile that may be featured on our website, social media channels, annual reports, or other promotional materials.

Profile Form

Graduate Student Letter Request Form Records and Registration Current Students

Use this form if you are requesting a Basic Enrolment Letter, a Detailed Enrolment Letter, a Letter to Apply for a Post-Graduation Work Permit or a Program Completion Letter.

IGS Approval of Thesis/Dissertation Proposal Records and Registration Current Students and Faculty and Staff

This form is to ensure that the student’s thesis/dissertation proposal has been approved by their supervisor.

IGS Checklist of Expectations for Graduate Student and Supervisor Records and Registration Current Students

The aim of this checklist is to define the expectations and responsibilities of IGS graduate students and their supervisor.

IGS Course Scheduling Request Form Course Scheduling and Curriculum Prospective Students, Current Students, and Faculty and Staff

This form is used to request the creation of an Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies course. Please provide a course outline with the form when submitting it to Graduate Studies.

IGS Program Plan Records and Registration Current Students and Faculty and Staff

This form is to identify a student’s IGS program plan. The form must be submitted to the College of Graduate Studies no later than October 15th of the student’s first term of study.

IGS Student Bio Submission Form Records and Registration Current Students

This form is intended as a tool to gather biographical statements from current graduate students for the purpose of program and student research promotion, as well as informing students and the faculty community about the program.

IGS Theme Membership Form Records and Registration Faculty and Staff

This form is used to request membership in an Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies (IGS) Theme.

Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies – Comprehensive Exam Plan Comprehensive Exams and Candidacy Current Students

This form is intended to be a useful tool in constructing a formalized plan for IGS comprehensive examinations.

Lashley and Mary Haggman Memorial Research Award Nomination Form Awards Faculty and Staff

This form should be used by the Faculty Dean/designate when nominating a student for the Lashley and Mary Haggman Memorial Research Award

Late Withdrawal Request Form Records and Registration Current Students

Use this form to request a late withdrawal from a course after online registration has closed.

Leave of Absence Form Records and Registration Current Students and Faculty and Staff

Any student who is considering or planning a leave must complete this form.

Master’s Thesis Oral Examination Announcement Master’s Thesis/Doctoral Dissertation Current Students and Faculty and Staff

This announcement form is posted on the College of Graduate Studies bulletin board and on UBC calendar events

Master’s Thesis Approval and Program Completion Form Master’s Thesis/Doctoral Dissertation Faculty and Staff

This form is sent to the Neutral Chair from the supervisor via email prior to the examination date. If revisions are required by the student, the Chair ensures that the University Examiner, and Examining Committee sign off on this form right after the examination except for the supervisor. The form is then given to the supervisor to hold until the student makes all the necessary revisions. The supervisor signs off on the form and hands the form into the College of Graduate Studies as part of final submission requirements.

Master’s Thesis Oral Examination – Neutral Chair Responsibilities & Procedures Master’s Thesis/Doctoral Dissertation Faculty and Staff

This document can be sent to the Neutral Chair by the supervisor via email prior to the examination. It outlines the step-by-step responsibilities and procedures for the Neutral Chair.

Minimum Funding Exemption Form Application Faculty and Staff

In some circumstances, a graduate program may recommend to the Dean of the College of Graduate Studies the admission of a Graduate Student without provision of the required PhD minimum funding package. A rationale explaining the recommendation is required. For details on UBCO’s Minimum Funding Policy for Ph.D. Students, please visit:

Notice of Doctoral Dissertation Oral Examination Master’s Thesis/Doctoral Dissertation Faculty and Staff

This form is to be completed by the supervisor and delivered to CoGS to initiate the scheduling of the examination. The form identifies the members of the Supervisory Committee members participating on the Examining Committee, the External Examiner, the University Examiner and the Neutral Chair. This form must be signed off by the graduate student, supervisor and program coordinator for approval by the Dean.

Notice of Master’s Thesis Oral Examination Master’s Thesis/Doctoral Dissertation Faculty and Staff

This form is to be completed by the supervisor and delivered to CoGS to initiate the scheduling of the defence. The form identifies the members of the Supervisory Committee members participating on the Examining Committee, the University Examiner and the Neutral Chair. This form must be signed off by the graduate student, supervisor and program coordinator for approval by the Dean.

Parental Accommodation Request Form Records and Registration Current Students

Use this form to apply for a Parental Accommodation.

Printable Voting Ballots for Oral Comprehensive Exams Comprehensive Exams and Candidacy Current Students and Faculty and Staff

Available for use by programs for oral comprehensive exam voting.

Professional Reference Form Application Prospective Students, Current Students, and Faculty and Staff

A professional reference is provided by an individual who has worked with the applicant in the field of his/her intended graduate study, usually in a supervisory capacity. The professional referee will be asked to comment, where applicable, on the applicant’s academic preparation, practice competence, creativity, working relationships, work ethic, critical thinking skills, research skills, intellectual capacity, and teaching ability.

Recommendation for Advancement to Candidacy Comprehensive Exams and Candidacy Current Students and Faculty and Staff

The basic requirements for a doctoral student to be admitted to candidacy are all required coursework has been successfully completed; the comprehensive examination has been passed; and the supervisory committee has certified that the thesis proposal has been approved. This form should be used by the program to recommend to the College of Graduate Studies that the student be advanced to candidacy.

Registration Audit Form Records and Registration Current Students

This form is used if online registration has closed, if a course is full, if a student is unable to register herself in the course, or if a student wishes to audit a course.

Registration in Vancouver Courses Form Records and Registration Current Students and Faculty and Staff

Students wishing to take courses at UBC Vancouver must complete this form and have it signed by their Program Coordinator. Students must be in good standing and may only take courses for degree credit.

Remote Doctoral Examination Checklist Master’s Thesis/Doctoral Dissertation Faculty and Staff

Use this checklist to guide you in scheduling a remote/hybrid doctoral dissertation examination.

Doctoral Checklist

Remote Master’s Defence Checklist Master’s Thesis/Doctoral Dissertation Faculty and Staff

Use this checklist to guide you in scheduling a remote/hybrid master’s thesis defence.

Master’s Checklist

Request for Approval of Proposed External Examiner Master’s Thesis/Doctoral Dissertation Faculty and Staff

This form is to be used by a supervisor who is requesting the approval of a proposed external examiner.

Request for Approval to Withhold a Dissertation/Thesis from the Public Domain Master’s Thesis/Doctoral Dissertation Current Students and Faculty and Staff

This form may be completed when time is required for completion and submission of a significant manuscript or patent application for a device or idea that might emerge from the thesis research; when the thesis describes something of considerable monetary potential which could, if you were given an opportunity to develop it, benefit you or the University; when funding for the research was provided by a commercial company which has requested a delay in publication; when the thesis deals with a potentially dangerous product or process, or potential cure for a disease, for which you need more testing time before public release of the information.

Request for Extension to Time Allowed for Advancement to Candidacy Form Comprehensive Exams and Candidacy Current Students

This form should be used when a student requires an extension to the deadline to achieve candidacy.

Request for Extension to Time Allowed for Degree Completion Records and Registration Current Students and Faculty and Staff

This form must be completed to request an extension to the time allowed for degree completion.

Request for Transfer Credit Form Records and Registration Current Students and Faculty and Staff

Use this form to request transfer credit for courses previously taken, but not used to satisfy the requirements of another credential.

Sponsorship/Third Party Billing Form Tuition Prospective Students

If you are being sponsored for your tuition (i.e. by your Band or Métis Council), they need to fill out a “Third Party Billing” form. If a copy of this form is not received by the appropriate deadline, you will be responsible for paying your own tuition. One form per student must be completed and faxed to 604.822.5816. The Tuition Fee Payment Office will only accept the “Sponsorship/Third Party Billing Application Forms.” Sponsorship letters are no longer accepted unless accompanied by a Third Party Billing Form.

Thesis Committee Recommendation Form Master’s Thesis/Doctoral Dissertation Current Students and Faculty and Staff

This form certifies that the supervisor and all members of the committee have read the thesis and recommend it to the College of Graduate Studies for acceptance. This form does not require signatures.

Thesis/Dissertation Submission Cover Sheet Master’s Thesis/Doctoral Dissertation Current Students and Faculty and Staff

This form confirms that the thesis/dissertation is the final version that was approved by the examination committee & the supervisor, the thesis/dissertation conforms to the College of Graduate Studies formatting requirements, and acknowledges that the thesis/dissertation will be made publicly available.

Transfer Between Related Doctoral Programs Records and Registration Current Students and Faculty and Staff

This form must be completed to transfer between related doctoral programs.

Transfer Between Related Master’s Programs Records and Registration Current Students and Faculty and Staff

This form must be completed to transfer between related degree programs: e.g. MA to M.Ed.

Transfer from Doctoral to Master’s Graduate Program Records and Registration Current Students and Faculty and Staff

Students may apply to transfer from doctoral to master’s programs.

Transfer from Master’s to Doctoral Graduate Program Records and Registration Current Students

This form must be completed in order to transfer from a master’s degree to a doctoral degree program.

Tuition Payroll Deduction/Deferral Application Form Records and Registration Current Students

Please use the Tuition Payroll Deduction/Deferral Application Form to request a payroll deduction or tuition fee deferral. A link to the form can be accessed below.

Tuition Schedule “B” Form Tuition Prospective Students and Current Students

This form is only applicable to master’s students. Students should carefully read the information regarding tuition payment schedules listed in the Academic Calendar. The normal fee for the part-time master’s degree is payable in three installments per year according to the schedule (plus authorized student fees). No candidate who selects Schedule B will pay total fees of less than the first nine installments (plus authorized student fees).

UBC Okanagan Academic Fund Application Awards Current Students

The UBC Okanagan Academic Fund supports graduate student scholarship and research initiatives that are central to the development of the student experience. Applications may be made to the Fund by individual graduate students, organized student groups, or faculty members. Examples of activities supported by the Fund include the cost of bringing speakers and lecturers to campus, and organizing and supporting graduate student-led research events.

PLEASE NOTE: Individual student travel and conference fees are not supported by this fund.

UBC Okanagan Clifford Alexander Robson and Else Loella Robson Memorial Scholarship Award Application Form Awards Current Students

This form should be used to apply for the UBC Okanagan Clifford Alexander Robson and Else Loella Robson Memorial Scholarship Award.

UBC Okanagan Graduate Dean’s Student Leadership Award Reference Form Awards Faculty and Staff

Referees should complete this reference form if they have agreed to evaluate an applicant for a UBC Okanagan Graduate Dean’s Student Leadership Award.

UBC Okanagan Graduate Dean’s Student Leadership Award Application Form Awards Current Students

This form should be used to apply for the UBC Okanagan Graduate Dean’s Student Leadership Award.

UBC Okanagan Indigenous Graduate Fellowship Application Form Awards Prospective Students and Current Students

This form should be used to apply for the UBC Okanagan Indigenous Graduate Fellowship.

UBC Okanagan Indigenous Graduate Fellowship Reference Form Awards Faculty and Staff

Referees should complete this reference form if they have agreed to evaluate an applicant for a UBC Okanagan Indigenous Graduate Fellowship.

UBC Okanagan Indigenous Scholars Award Letter of Support Form Awards Faculty and Staff

This form should be used by a selected referee who can speak to the UBC Okanagan Indigenous Scholars Award candidates contribution and/or connection to Indigenous community.

UBC Okanagan Indigenous Scholars Award Personal Statement Form Awards Prospective Students and Current Students

This form should be used to provide a personal statement for the UBC Okanagan Indigenous Scholars Award, an award to support incoming full-time Indigenous students entering or continuing in a research-based graduate program. The Award is for First Nations, Métis, and Inuit people of Canada, in accordance with section 35(2) of the Constitution Act, 1982. These awards will also consider Indigenous people of a transborder Indigenous nation (American Indian or Alaska Native). The Award provides funding for up to two years for master’s students and up to five years for PhD students (at $10,000 per year)

UBC Okanagan Postdoctoral Fellowship Application Form Application

This form should be used by an applicant to apply to the UBC Okanagan Postdoctoral Fellowship competition.

UBC Okanagan Postdoctoral Fellowship Pre-Application Proposal Form Application

This form should be used by an applicant who would like to apply to the UBC Okanagan Postdoctoral Fellowship competition. Please note that the deadline to submit the UBC Okanagan Postdoctoral Fellowship Pre-Application Proposal is September 6, 2023 at 12:00 (noon).

UBC Okanagan Thesis Award Nomination Form Awards Faculty and Staff

Supervisors should complete this form if they wish to nominate their graduated student for a UBC Okanagan Thesis Award.

UBCO Banting Pre-Application Proposal Form Awards

As one of Canada’s most prestigious postdoctoral fellowship competitions, the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships Program provides funding to the very best national and international postdoctoral scholars. Candidates seeking to become Banting Postdoctoral Scholars at UBC Okanagan should complete this form in order to apply to the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship competition.

UBCO Killam Pre-Application Proposal Form Application

This form should be used by an applicant who would like to apply to the Killam Postdoctoral Fellowship competition.

UBCOPF Declaration of Financial Contribution Awards Faculty and Staff

Faculty Deans must sign the attached form to confirm that the Faculty/Department will cover the full $20,000 cost of benefits for each UBCOPF awardee in their Faculty.

Unclassified or Access Student Registration Form Records and Registration Prospective Students

Students who hold an undergraduate degree but are not currently admitted to the College of Graduate Studies may be permitted to take graduate level courses with the permission of the instructor and the College of Graduate Studies. To register in courses as an unclassified student, students must fill out this form. Please submit the form after you have been admitted to non-degree studies.

Undergraduate Student Registration in Graduate Courses Form Records and Registration Prospective Students

This form is used if you are an undergraduate student who wants to enroll in graduate-level courses.

University of Exeter – UBC Okanagan Sustainability & Resilience Partnership: Visiting Research Student Fellowship Application Awards Prospective Students and Current Students

The Visiting Research Student Fellowship program will provide students with an opportunity to work with a supervisor on a research project. The key aim of the program is to foster collaboration, develop research skills, and provide students with meaningful experience with projects aligned with the academic and strategic priorities of both institutions.

Exeter – UBCO Sustainability & Resilience Partnership – Visiting Research Student Fellowship

Voluntary Withdrawal Form Records and Registration Current Students and Faculty and Staff

A student wishing to withdraw voluntarily from the University must notify the home Graduate Program in writing in order to obtain the approval of the supervisor, graduate program coordinator and the Dean of the College of Graduate Studies.

A student who does not complete formal withdrawal procedures will be liable for all assessed fees until such procedures are completed. Retroactive withdrawal requests will not be approved by the College of Graduate Studies unless the Graduate Program confirms in writing that the student did not attend or use any university resources as of the requested effective date of withdrawal.

The academic record will indicate “Voluntary Withdrawal”.

Voting Ballot Forms Master’s Thesis/Doctoral Dissertation Faculty and Staff

The voting ballots are to be sent to the Neutral Chair by the supervisor via email prior to the examination.

Western Deans’ Agreement Records and Registration Current Students and Faculty and Staff

Students who are registering to take courses at another University under the Western Deans’ Agreement must complete this form. Students must be registered in courses at this campus in order to utilize the Western Deans’ Agreement.